Marina el-Alamein: Conservation Project (Egipt), 2016

Marina el-Alamein: Conservation Project


Dates of work: 3–30 May 2016


Director: Prof. Rafał Czerner, architect (Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
SCA representatives: Nama Sanad Yakoub (Marina Site Director), Haitham Abd Allatief Ali Abd Allal (SCA inspector)
Archaeologist: Dr. Grażyna Bąkowska-Czerner (Jagiellonian University in Kraków)
Archaeologist/glass expert: Renata Kucharczyk (PCMA UW)
Architects: Wiesław Grzegorek (freelance, PCMA associate), Sara Arbter (undergraduate student, Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Stone and sculpture conservator: Piotr Zambrzycki (InterAcademy Institute of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art)


Activities undertaken by the Polish–Egyptian Conservation Mission to Marina el-Alamein in 2016 included research and conservation in the public district of the ancient town as well as in private houses. Work focused foremost on research, conservation and exhibition of monuments in the central town square, especially the remains of a peristyle adjacent from the east, and the southern portico of the square itself. Research and conservation continued also in the area north of the central square, concentrating on the remains of public baths dating from the Hellenistic period and, on the south, on the remnants of Roman baths in use from the 2nd to the 3rd century AD. Maintenance conservation was carried out in private houses, in both baths complexes and in the eastern and southern area of the central square.

Acknowledgments: The assistance throughout the season of General Director of the Marina el-Alamein site, Mrs. Nama Sanad Yakoub, and SCA Inspector, Mr. Haitham Abd Allatief Ali Abd Allal, is gratefully appreciated.


Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 26/1


Rafał Czerner: