Failaka, Qusur Excavation Project (Kuwait)

Dates of work: 24 February – 7 April 2013

General Project Director: Prof. Piotr Bieliński (PCMA UW)

Field directors: Dr. Magdalena Żurek, archaeologist (Institute of Archaeology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University), Dr. Hamed Al-Mutairi (Excavation and Surveying Sector, Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters)

Archaeologists: Mariusz Gwiazda (Institute of Archaeology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University); Joanna K. Rądkowska, Marek Woźniak, Łukasz Miechowicz, Ewelina Mizak (all independent)

Geophysicists: Prof. Krzysztof Misiewicz, Prof. Przemysław Urbańczyk (both Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences)

(Joint description of seasons 2011 and 2013)

Excavations of the Qusur complex in the center of Failaka Island in Kuwait commenced in 2011 and were continued in 2013, carried out by a team from the University of Warsaw. A magnetic prospection preceded the fieldwork. In the course of two seasons three of nine units in the north-ernmost part of the site were investigated. Stone enclosures and small houses with white mortar floors were discovered and dated provisionally to the late pre-Islamic and early Islamic period. The settlement was cleared of practically all finds save for some refuse pottery in the courtyards.

The excavations could not have started but for the benevolence and kindly encouragement of Secretary General of the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, Mr. Ali Hussain Al-Youha, and of Director of the Antiquities and Museums, Mr. Shehab A.H. Shehab. Words of gratitude are due members of the Kuwaiti staff for their hospitality, patience and friendly advice. We are particularly grateful to Mr. Hamed al-Mutairi, Mr. Talaal al-Saie, Mr. Khaled al-Ali, Mr. Taro Redha and Mr. Mustafa Alansari on whose collaboration and constant help we could always count.

[Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1]

M. Żurek: