Seminarium „Archeoorientalistyki”: Badania bioarcheologiczne w Starej Dongoli

Zespół Archeoorientalistyki zaprasza na kolejne seminarium, podczas którego dr Robert Stark (Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW) wygłosi wykład „Old Dongola – bioarchaeological studies”.

Abstrakt: „Located along the banks of the Nile between the third and fourth cataracts, the site of Old Dongola was the capital of medieval Makuria. A large metropolis, the site of Old Dongola was occupied for multiple centuries. Polish excavations at the site began in 1964 and remain ongoing. Since 2020, bioarchaeological excavations at the site have primarily focussed on burials in the Christian necropolis, a cemetery area located roughly between the Citadel and the monastery on Kom H. Investigations in this area have sought to examine the nature of burials used, their types and variations, as well as to undertake osteobiographical documentation of the individuals recovered from excavated burials. Post-excavation analyses of skeletal pathology, diet, mobility, and radiocarbon dating are also being undertaken. This presentation will focus on the ongoing bioarchaeological research being undertaken at Old Dongola, what has been completed and future directions for research in progress.”

Seminarium odbędzie się w poniedziałek, 25 kwietnia, o godzinie 11.30 na platformie Zoom:

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