Palmyra (Syria) – The Palmyrenian Tariff Project

Dates of work: 18 September – 21 October 2010

Director: Prof. Michał Gawlikowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Archaeologists: Krystyna Gawlikowska (freelance), Dr. Krzysztof Jakubiak (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw), Dr. Karol Juchniewicz (freelance)

A new project was started in 2010, in collaboration with the Palmyra Museum, aiming at locating the site of the celebrated Tariff, a monumental inscription discovered in 1881 by S. Abamelek Lazarev and transported to St Petersburg in 1901, where it is kept in the Hermitage Museum. The precise site was duly found. However, as the project continued in 2011, it shall be reported next year (in PAM 23).

[Text: PAM]

M. Gawlikowski: