Deir el-Bahari: Temple of Tuthmosis (Egipt), 2012

Deir el-Bahari: Temple of Tuthmosis (Egypt)

Dates of work: 11 October – 12 December 2012

Director: Dr. Monika Dolińska (National Museum in Warsaw)
MSA representative: Nafesa El Azab Mohamed Ahmed
Egyptologists: Janina Wiercińska (National Museum in Warsaw), Piotr Czerkwiński (PhD candidate, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw), Filip Taterka (student, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)
Photographer: Zbigniew Doliński (National Museum in Warsaw)
Documentalist: Marek Puszkarski (PCMA UW)
Architect: Mariusz Caban (PhD candidate, Wrocław University of Technology)

(Joint description of season 2012 and 2013)

In 2012 and 2013 the mission continued research and documentation work, concentrating on scenes located in the Hypostyle Hall, the Bark Room, and rooms D, G and H. Dozens of painted stone fragments were cleaned and protected. Photoscanning techniques were used to improve detailed rendering of the temple. New photomontages were produced and subsequent walls were drawn, joining previously separate scenes.

The Tuthmosis III project is financed jointly by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology and the National Science Centre. We would like also to express our thanks to the administration of the National Museum in Warsaw for help and support of the fieldwork in Egypt, as well as to the inspectors representing the Egyptian authorities, whose helpful cooperation was inestimable.

[Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1]

M. Dolińska: