Seminarium „Archeoorientalistyki”– KV63: Potency and Power in Death

W poniedziałek 4 marca odbędzie się „Seminarium Archeoorientalistyczne”, na którym wystąpi prof. Salima Ikram (American University in Cairo). Prelekcja będzie dotyczyła materiałów znalezionych w grobowcu KV63.

Abstrakt: „In 2006, the first tomb since that of Tutankhamun’s was found in the Valley of the Kings – KV63. When the sealed door was opened it revealed several large, sealed, whitewashed jars and a group of piled up coffins. While initial assumptions pointed towards a group burial, further investigations of the materials revealed that they were actually a massive embalming deposit. This paper will present a preliminary overview of the materials found in the coffins and jars and contextualise these in terms of the role that they played in mummification and how these compare with other embalming deposits. Speculations about the owner or owners of the deposit will also be presented.”

Seminarium odbędzie się poniedziałek 4 marca o godzinie 17.00 na platformie Zoom.

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