Seminarium PCMA: Exploring an old transhumance route in Northern Colchis

Najbliższe seminarium poświecone będzie badaniom prof. Annegret Plontke-Luening i dr. Franka Schleichera (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Ancient History). Wygłoszą referat pt.: „Exploring an old transhumance route in Northern Colchis”

Abstrakt: „For several years, we have been investigating two ancient/medieval fortresses near the village of Lesale in the Tsalenjikha region (Mingrelia province) in northern Colchis in teamwork with the Archaeological Institute of the Ivane Javakhishvili University of Tbilisi. The so-called ‚Small Fortress’ shows traces of multiple renovations from late antiquity to the late Middle Ages and requires further stratigraphic investigations. The extraordinary ‚Great Fortress’ is, according to the construction technique of the outer walls, of late antique/early Byzantine date and was only in use for a short period of time; intensive traces of fire are associated with its destruction in the 8th century.

In this context, we are also investigating old communication routes in which the fortresses were involved. Before the construction of carriageways in the earlier 20th century, the paths mostly ran along other, shorter routes, which have largely been forgotten today. In doing so, we take into account the results of transhumance research in the Alp mountains: The routes taken by shepherds with their flocks were also used by travellers such as merchants or envoys and were thus routes of cultural exchange.

The lecture will present the main results and experiences of the excavations and of the survey works, but also give a look at the expeditions to explore the „Tamar Trail”, an old route, still used by shepherds today, from Poti on the Black Sea coast via Lesale through the Egrisi Mountains and on to the Nakra Pass (3203m) over the main Caucasus ridge.”

Seminarium odbędzie się w czwartek, 30 stycznia o godzinie 14:00 w formie hybrydowej – w siedzibie CAŚ UW (Tyniecka 15/17, sala 119) i na platformie Zoom.

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