Dr Francisco J. Núñez
Department of Near Eastern Studies
tel. (+48) 22 55 313 31
(room 112)
Research interests:
- Phoenician archaeology
- Late Bronze and Iron Age in the Levant
- Mediterranean Protohistory
- Phoenician pottery, sequence and chronology
- Phoenician funerary customs
- Intercultural exchanges
- Ancient economy and commerce
2017 Accreditation for the post of ‘Doctor Assistant Professor’, granted by the Spanish Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación (ANECA).
2008 Ph.D. in History at Institut Universitary d’Història Jaume Vicens i Vives, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelone, Spain). Dissertation title: Estudio cronológico-secuencial de los materiales cerámicos de la necrópolis fenicia de Tiro – al Bass (Líbano). Campaña de 1997, supervised by Prof. Dr. María Eugenia Aubet.
1997–1999 Doctorate courses, Institut Universitari d’Història Vivens Vives, Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelone, Spain).
1997–2000 Pre-doctoral Scholarship ‘Formació de Personal Investigador’ (1997FI 00884), granted by the Genaralitat de Catalunya (Spain).
1996 MA in Archaeology and Prehistory at Valencia University (Spain). Dissertation title: El horizonte de destrucción de la ciudadela de Hama (Siria). Una revisión de su interpretación histórica sobre la base de la evidencia textual y arqueológica, supervised by Prof. Dr. María Eugenia Aubet and Prof. Dr. Carlos Gómez Bellard.
1992–1993 (two semesters) and 1995–1996 (three semesters): studies in Assyriology, Egyptology Biblical Archaeology and Classical Archaeology. Universität Tübingen (Germany).
1986–1991 Bachelor in Geography and History, speciality Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Valencia (Spain).
Positions and functions (post-doctoral)
2020–2024 Head of the Department of Levantine Studies
2019 Research associate, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.
2017–2019 research fellowships granted by the Dipartamento di Storia, Science dell’Uomo e della Formazione. Sassari University (Sardinia, Italy).
November 2016 – January 2017 Visiting professor. Dipartamento di Storia, Science dell’Uomo e della Formazione. Sassari University (Sardinia, Italy).
September 2015 – August 2016 Whittlesey Chair in History and Archaeology and Visiting Assistant Professor. Department of History and Archaeology. American University of Beirut (Lebanon).
March – June 2012 Research fellowship granted by the Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft at the Biblisch-Archäologisches Institut of the Tübingen University (Germany).
March 2008 – March 2011 Post-doctoral training researcher (Programme: ‘Junta de ampliación de Estudios-doctores’, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) developed in the Insituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Zaragoza (Spain).
2023-2025 Principal Investigator in „The paleoenvironmental evolution of a Levantine coastal city in the Bronze Age” project, funded by Honor Frost Foundation in Small Grants Program
2022-2025 Principal Investigator in „A holistic approach to ceramic production in Tyre from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. A diachronic and technological definition of a traditional economic activity” project, funded from NCN grant, UMO-2021-/43B/HS3/00354.
2022-2023 CRAC Small Grant VIII edition: ‘Commercial contacts between the central Levant and Cyprus in the Iron Age. The case of Tyre’.
Since 1997 Co-director of the archaeological project ‘The Archaeology of Tyre (Lebanon)’, directed by Prof. M. E. Aubet (Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona)
Since 2016 Co-director of the Archaeological survey project in the hinterland of Tyre, directed by Dr. Paul Newson, Assistant Professor of the Department of History and Archaeology of the American University of Beirut (Lebanon)
Since 2017 Member of the Archaeological Project ‘Sant’Imbenia’, directed by Professor Marco Rendeli, Sassari University (Sardinia, Italy)
Since 2015 Member of the Archaeological Project ‘Jiyeh-Chhim’ (Lebanon), directed by Professor Tomasz Waliszewski, Director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Since 2014 Member of the Archaeological Projet ‘Kharayeb-Tell Jemyim’ (Lebanon), directed by Dr. Ida Oggiano (Italian CNR) and Professor W. Khalil (Lebanese University)
In charge of the study for its ulterior publication of the Late Bronze and Iron Age pottery of the archaeological site BEY 020 (Beirut, Lebanon), excavation directed by Prof. U. Finkbeiner (Univeristät Tübingen, Germany) and Prof. H. Sader (American University of Beirut, Lebanon)
2010–2012 (part time): ‘Estudio y edición de inscripciones fenicias y púnicas de la Península Ibérica inéditas o mal conocidas y publicación del corpus de epígrafes peninsulares’ (FFI2010-17342), directed by Dr. J. A. Zamora; financially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
2009–2012 (part time): ‘Fenicios en Occidente: estrategias coloniales e interacción (FFI2008-01797)’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)
2009–2011 Member of the Grupo de Investigación Consolidado (SGR) “Grupo Hiberus”, supervised by Prof. Francisco Marco, Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain)
2001–2004 ‘Contactos culturales y arqueología social (BHA2001-0930)’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by the Ministerio de Cultura (Spain)
2000–2006 ‘Cerro del Villar II: sociedad y economía’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by the Junta de Andalucía
1998–2008 Member of the Grupo de Investigación Consolidado (SGR) “Grupo de Arqueología Colonial”, directed by Prof. María Eugenia Aubet Semmler, Departamento de Humanidades, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Spain)
1997–1998 ‘Geoarqueología de Tiro (AE000118)’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by the Asociación Española de Cooperación Internacional
1997–2000 ‘Relaciones coloniales en el Mediterráneo (PB 93-0397)’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura of Spain
1986–1998 ‘Cerro del Villar I: La colonización fenicia en la Bahía de Málaga y su hinterland’, directed by Dr. M. E. Aubet; financially supported by Dirección General de Bienes Culturales of the Junta de Andalucía
Research stages in international institutions
December 2022 Short Term Mobility Program – 2022 (STM 2022), Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy.
2017-2019 (not continuously): Dipartamento di Storia, Science dell’Uomo e della Formazione. Sassari University (Sardinia, Italy).
2012 Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) at the Biblisch-Archäologisches Institut of the Tübingen University (Germany).
1997, 1998, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2017 Direction Générale des Antiquités, Tyre (Lebanon).
1998, 1999, 2000 Direction Générale des Antiquités, Beirut (Lebanon).
November–December 2000 Semitic Museum, Harvard University (Cambridge, Mass., USA). Research assistant under the supervision of Prof. Lawrence Stager
Archaeological excavations (resume)
2014–2016, 2018–2019 Tyre (Lebanon), the Acropolis area.
2016 Tyre (Lebanon). Archaeological survey of the hinterland.
2014 Kharayeb (Lebanon), Phoenician sanctuary.
1997, 1999, 2002–2004, 2008, 2009, 2011 and 2014 Tyre – al-Bass (Lebanon), Phoenician cemetery.
2001 Tell ‘Afis (Syria), Iron Age city.
1998 Bey 020 (Beirut, Lebanon). Graphic recording of the defensive system of the ancient city.
1991 and 1994 Khirokitia (Cyprus), Pre-Pottery Neolithic settlement.
1993 Tell El-`Abd (Syria), Early Bronze to Hellenistic Period settlement.
1991 Cerro del Villar (Málaga, Spain), Phoenician settlement.
1991 Alt de Benimaquia. (Denia, Alicante, Spain), Proto-Iberian Period settlement.
2014 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J., Trellisó, L. (eds.), The Phoenician Cemetery of Tyre – Al Bass II. Excavations 2002–2005 (Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors Serie Nr IX). Beirut.
Articles and Book Chapters
2024 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J., & Badawi, A. (2024). The Archaeology of Tyre: The Joint Lebanese, Spanish, and Polish Excavations in the Phoenician Homeland. Near Eastern Archaeology, 87(3), 168-177.
2024 Núñez Calvo, F. J., The role of Aegean imports and aegeanizing wares in the Phoenician cemetery of al-Bass, Tyre, in S. Gimatzidis (ed.): “Early Iron Age Greek pottery overseas: the social context of consumption” (to appear in Cambridge University Press).
2021-2022 (2024) Núñez Calvo, F. J.: Principles of Phoenician pottery in the Central Levant’, Berytus 61-62: 97-134.
2024 Núñez Calvo, F.J.: A social approach to the Phoenician red-slipped wares, in F. Spagnoli (ed.), Red Slip in central and western Mediterranean between the 9th and the 6th century BC. Tracking lasting features, local peculiarities and technological innovations (Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica IX), Rome: Mission Archeologica a Mozia, pp. 1-22.
2023 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: El origen levantino de las ánforas de cuello fenicias ultramarinas: un análisis de su trasfondo tipológico, contexto secuencial y escenarios funcionales. SPAL 32.1: 81-115.
2022 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: ‘Alfareros orientales en alfares occidentales: contextualizando la producción cerámica fenicia en el Mediterráneo’, Ex Officina Hispana 13: 81-96.
2022 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: Review of the book: D. Regev: New light on Canaanite-Phoenician pottery. Worlds of the ancient Near East and Mediterranean. Equinox Publishing, Sheffield and Bristol, 2020, Ancient West and East 21: 461-463.
2022 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: ‘The beginning of the Cypro-Archaic I period. A revision proposal’, in G. Bourogiannis (ed.), Beyond Cyprus: investigating Cypriot connectivity in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Classical Period (Aura Supplement 9). Athens: Faculty of History and Archaeology: 351-363.
2021 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: ‘La demanda como motor de la diáspora fenicia en el Mediterráneo central y Occidental’, in S. F. Bondì, M. Botto, G. Garbati, I. Oggiano (eds.), Tra le coste del Levante e le terre del tramonto. Studi in ricordo di Paolo Bernardini. Studi in Honore di Paolo Bernardini (Collezione di Studi Fenici 51). Roma: CNR Edizioni: 103-112.
2021 Núñez Calvo, F. J.: Local amphorae in the Tyrian cemetery of al-Bass: typology, chronology, and function. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 30/2: 129-180.
2021 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J., Funerary landscapes in the region of Tyre in the Iron Age, in V. Boschloos, B. Overlaet, I. M. Swinnen and V. Van der Stede (eds), From the Mediterranean to the Near East – Studies on Art, History and Archaeology presented to Eric Gubel. (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 302). (pp. 385–395). Peeters: Leuven–Paris–Bristol, CT.
2021 Núñez Calvo, F. J., review of A. Bernard Knapp and S. Demesticha, Maritime transport containers and seaborne trade in the Bronze and Early Iron Ages. Routledge, New York – Oxford, 2017. Journal of Maritime Archaeology.
2020 Núñez Calvo, F. J., The Phoenicians: stratigraphy of ceramics through archaeology, in P. Zalloua (ed.), La Revue Phénicienne. (pp. 28–42). Beirut: Éditions de la Revue Phénicienne.
2020 Núñez Calvo, F. J., La cerámica fenicia metropolitana y su difusión por el Mediterráneo. Cuestiones tipológicas, secuenciales y cronológicas. In J. L. López Castro (ed.), Entre Útica y Gadir. Navegación y colonización fenicia en el Mediterráneo Occidental a comienzos del I Milenio AC. (pp. 433–446). Granada: Editorial Comares.
2020 Núñez Calvo, F. J., Reflexiones sobre la naturaleza del marzeah en la Edad del Hierro. In C. Gómez Bellard, G. Pérez-Jordà, A. Vendrell Betí (eds.), La alimentación en el mundo fenicio-púnico. Producciones, procesos y consumos. SPAL Monografías Arqueología XXXII. (pp. 321–334). Sevilla.
2020 Núñez Calvo, F. J., La producción cerámica fenicia en oriente y occidente. algunos aspectos a reconsiderar. In S. Celestino Pérez, E. Rodríguez González (eds.), A Journey between East and West in the Mediterranean. Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies. Mytra 5. (pp. 1365–1374). Mérida.
2019 Aubet, M. E., Badawi, A., Núñez, F. J. Excavaciones en la acrópolis de Tiro (2014–2106), Informes y Trabajos 17, 154–163.
2019 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Pottery and trade. In C. López-Ruiz, B. R. Dock (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Phoenician and Punic Mediterranean (pp. 329–348). Oxford.
2018 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Una lectura tipológico-secuencial de los materiales cerámicos orientales más antiguos hallados en Huelva. In M. Botto (ed.), De Huelva a Malaka. Los fenicios en Andalucía a la luz de los descubrimientos más recientes (=Collezione di Studi Fenici 48) (pp. 107–182). Rome.
2018 Núñez Calvo, F. J. El trasfondo secuencial y cronológico de la primera expansión fenicia a Occidente. In A. C. Fariselli, R. Secci (eds.), Cartagine fuori da Cartagine: mobilità nordafricana nel Mediterraneo centro-occidentale fra VIII e II sec. A.C. (=Byrsa 33–34) (pp. 317–350). Bologna.
2018 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The impact of the Sea Peoples in Central Levant. A revision. In L. Niesiolowski-Spanò, M. Węcowski (eds.), Change, continuity, and connectivity. North-Eastern Mediterranean at the turn of the Bronze Age and in the early Iron Age (=Philippika-Altertumskundliche Abhandlungen 118) (pp. 118–140). Wiesbaden.
2018 Núñez Calvo, F. J. La cerámica fenicia y su función en un contexto funerario. In M. Guirguis (ed.), From the Mediterraenan to the Atlantic: people, gods and ideas between East and West (=Folia Phoenicia 2) (pp. 11–19). Pisa-Rome.
2017 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Phoenician colonial plates and their sequential and chronological connections with the Motherland, Rivista di Studi Fenici 45, 7–35.
2017 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The Tyrian cemetery of al-Bass and the role of ceramics in the Phoenician funerary ritual, Levant 49, Issue 2, 174–191.
2017 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Sea Peoples in Central and Northern Levant. In P. M. Fischer, T. Bürge (eds.),“Sea Peoples” Up-to-Date. New research on transformations in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 13th-11th centuries BCE (pp. 263–283). Wien.
2016 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F., Trellisó, L. Excavations in Tyre 1997–2015. Results and perspectives, Berytus 56, 3–14.
2016 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Considerations around a polarized Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology. In L. Donnellan, V. Nizo, G.-J. Burgers (eds), Contexts of early Colonization (=Papers of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome, 46) (pp. 73–85). Rome.
2016 Oggiano, I., Khalil, W., Festuccia, S., Núñez Calvo, F., Nervi, C. The cult place of Kharayeb: report of 2013–2014 missions, Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises 16, 193–214.
2015 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Phoenician Early Iron Age ceramic interaction dynamics. In A. Babbi, F. Bubenheimer-Erhart, B. Marín-Aguilera, S. Mühl (eds), The Mediterranean Mirror. Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C. International Post-doc and Young Researchers Conference. Heidelberg, 6th–8th October 2012 (=Römisch-Germanisches Zentral Museum Tagungen 20) (pp. 115–132). Mainz.
2015 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Reflexiones sobre la cronología de los inicios de la Edad del Hierro en el Mediterráneo occidental y sus problemas, CuPAUAM 41, 23–37.
2015 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The al-Bass funerary ceramic set’. In Anne-Marie Feiche (ed.), Cult and Ritual on the Levantine coast and its impact on the Eastern Mediterranean Realm (=Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors Serie X) (pp. 15–33). Beirut.
2014 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The Lowest Levels at Bir Massouda and the Foundation of Carthage. A Levantine Perspective, Carthage Studies 8, 7–45.
2014 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The ceramic repertoire of the Iron Age. In Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J., Trellisó. L. (eds.), The Phoenician Cemetery of Tyre – Al Bass II. Excavations 2002–2005 (=Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors Serie Nr IX) (pp. 261–372). Beirut.
2013 Núñez Calvo, F. J. De Tiro a Almuñécar. Conexiones metropolitanas de un contexto colonial fenicio, Madrider Mitteilungen 54, 27–88.
2013 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Tyrian potters and their products: standardization and variation in the pottery of the al-Bass cemetery. In A. Kotsonas (ed.), Understanding standardization and variation in Mediterranean ceramics: mid 2nd to late 1st millennium BC (=BABesch Supplementa Series 25) (pp. 61–86). Leiden.
2013 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Biblical chronological controversies from a ‘Phoenician’ point of view. In A. M. Arruda (ed.): Fenicios e Púnicos per terra e mar. Actas do VI Congresso Internacional de Estudos Fenicios e Púnicos (=Estudos & Memórias 5) (pp. 130–139). Lisbon (2013).
2013 Núñez Calvo, F. J. The Phoenician sequence: virtues and dependences. In A. M. Arruda (ed.), Fenicios e Púnicos per terra e mar. Actas do VI Congresso Internacional de Estudos Fenicios e Púnicos (=Estudos & Memórias 5) (pp. 472–481). Lisbon.
2011 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Tyre – al Bass: potters and cemeteries. In Sagona, C. (ed.), Ceramics of the Phoenician – Punic world: collected essays (=Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 36) (pp. 277–296). Leuven.
2010 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Sequential references for metropolitan Phoenician ceramics. In L. Nigro (ed.), Motya and the Phoenician ceramic repertoire between the Levant and the West. 9th-6th Century BC. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Rome, 26th February 2010 (=Quaderni di Archeologia Fenicio-Punica V) (pp. 49–83). Rome.
2009 Núñez Calvo, F. J., Aubet, M. E. Imported material / typology and results. In A. M. Feiche (ed.), Proceedings of the International Symposium (=BAAL Hors-Série VI) (pp. 403–417). Beirut.
2008/2009 Núñez Calvo, F. J. A snapshot of the Phoenician ceramic sequence: the neck-ridge jug from Tell el-Ghassil at the AUB Museum, Berytus 51, 47–70.
2008 F. J. Núñez Calvo, Western challenges to East Mediterranean chronological frameworks. In D. Brandhem, M. Trachsel (eds.): A new dawn for the Dark Age? Shifting paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age chronology (=BAR International Series 1971) (pp. 1–27). Oxford.
2008 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J. Cypriote imports from the Phoenician cemetery of Tyre, al-Bass. In C. Doumet-Serhal (ed): Networking patterns of the Bronze and Iron Age Levant. The Lebanon and its Mediterranean connections, Archaeology and History in the Lebanon, Special Edition (pp. 71–104). Beirut.
2008 Núñez Calvo, F. J. ‘Phoenicia’. In C. Sagona (ed.), Beyond the Homeland: markers in Phoenician chronology (=Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Supplement 28) (pp. 19–96). Leuven.
2005 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Tyre – al Bass ’97: the pottery Evidence. In A. Spanò Giammellaro (ed.), Atti del V Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici. Vol. I. (pp. 93–106). Palermo.
2004 Núñez Calvo, F. J. Preliminary report on ceramics from the Phoenician necropolis of Tyre – al Bass, 1997 campaign. In Aubet, M. E. (ed.), The Phoenician cemetery of Tyre – Al Bass, excavations 1997–1999 (=Bulletin d’Archéologie et d’Architecture Libanaises, Hors-Série 1) (pp. 281–373). Beirut.
2004 Aubet, M. E., Núñez, F. J., Trellisó, L. La necrópolis fenicia de Tiro – al Bass en el contexto funerario fenicio oriental. In J. Fernández Jurado, C. García Sanz, P. Rufete Tomico (eds.): Actas del III Congreso Español de Antiguo Oriente Próximo. Huelva, del 30 de Septiembre al 3 de Ocutbre de 2003 (=Huelva Arqueológica 20) (pp. 41–62). Huelva.
2001–2002 Núñez Calvo, F. J. An approach to exchange relations in Iron Age Beirut: the ceramic evidence, ARAM Periodicals 13–14, 37–49.
Participation in editorial committees
- Cuadernos de Arqueología Mediterránea, Laboratori d’Arqueología, Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain).
- Carthage Studies, Classical Archaeology Section, Department of Archaeology, Ghent University (Belgium).
Rivista di Studi Fenici. Consiglio Nazionale della Ricerca (Italy). - Sardinia, Corsica et Baleares Antiquae. Fabrizio Serra Editore. Pisa – Rome (Italy).
- Scritti sull’antico Oriente mediterraneo. Bologna University (Italy).
Participation (selection)
2022 X International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies. Ibiza, 17th – 21st October 2022.
2021 Poles in the Near East archaeological conference, June 9-11, 2021. Communication: Núñez Calvo, F. J.: “The protomaifrom Jiyeh. Their sequential and chronological context”.
2020 International Digital Conference: Beyond Cyprus: Investigating Cypriot connectivity in the Mediterranean from the Late Bronze Age to the end of the Classical period. Institute of Historical Research and the National Hellenic Research Foundation. 8-11 December, 2020. Communication: Núñez Calvo, F. J.: “The beginning of the Cyrpo-Archaic I. A view from the East”.
2019 Conference: Polacy na Bliskim Wschodzie. Warsaw (Poland). Communication: Francisco J. Núñez: Pre-classical evidence from Chhim and Jiyeh.
2018 International Seminary: Eternidades Compartidas: el mundo funerario a occidente de la Columnas de Melqart. Seville (Spain). Communication: Francisco J. Núñez: Las necropolis fenicias orientales. In press.
2018 IX International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies. Mérida (Spain) Communication: Francisco J. Núñez: Phoenician ceramic productions east and west: some aspects to re-consider. In press.
2017 International Conference: Cartagine fuori de Cartagine: mobilità nordafricana nel Mediterraneo Centro-Orientale fra VIII e II sec. A. C.. Ravenna (Italy). Communication: Francisco J. Núñez: El trasfondo cronológico y secuencial de la primera expansión fenicia a Occidente.
2017 International Archaeological Symposium: Three global harbours of the Ancient World: Tyre, Sidon and Byblos. Communication: M. E. Aubet, F. J. Núñez, A. Badawi: Recent advances in the knowledge of Late Iron Age Tyre.
Preliminary results of the excavations in the Crusader’s Cathedral area. In press.
2017 International Archaeological Symposium: Three global harbours of the Ancient World: Tyre, Sidon and Byblos. Communication: Francisco J. Núñez, U. Wicenciak: Diachronic continuity of ceramic types in Central Levant: a case study from Tyre and Sidon territories.
2016 International Conference: The Aegean and the Levant at the turn of the Bronze and Iron Ages. Warsaw University. Contribution: F. J. Núñez: The impact of the Sea Peoples in central Levant.
2016 International Symposium: Analytical techniques to characterize pottery from Phoenicia and Iberian Peninsula: X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry and Ion Beam analysis. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Rome (Italy). Communication: F. J. Núñez: Iron Age fabrics from Tyre. Facts, questions and prospects.
2015 International Conference: Cross-border cooperation through the time: from the Iron Age to the ArcheoMedSites Project. Sassari University (Italy). Communication: F. J. Núñez: The Phoenician Iron Age in Lebanon: contacts with the West.
2015 IX Coloquio Internacional del Centro de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos: entre Útica y Gadir. Navegación y colonización fenicia en Occidente a comienzos del I Milenio a.C. Almería (Spain). Contribution: F. J. Núñez: La cerámica fenicia metropolitana y su difusión por el Mediterráneo. Cuestiones tipológicas, secuenciales y cronológicas. In press.
2014 European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on: The Sea Peoples up-to-date. New research on the migration of the peoples in the 12th century BCE. Vienna (Austria). Contribution: F. J. Núñez: Sea Peoples in Central and Northern Levant.
2013 VIII International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies. Sulcis. Contribution: F. J. Núñez: Phoenician ceramics and their function in a funerary context.
2013 International Workshop: East and West. Phoenician everyday culture and Phoenician societies from the Levant to Spain. Tübingen. Contribution: F. J. Núñez: Pottery. Phoenicians and their ceramics: definition through two contexts of use.
2012 International Post-Doc and Young Researchers Conference: The Mediterranean Mirror. Cultural Contacts in the Mediterranean Sea between 1200 and 750 B.C. Heidelberg. Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Phoenician Early Iron Age ceramic interaction dynamics.
2012 International Congress: Contextualizing Early Colonisation. Archaeology, sources, chronology and interpretative models between Italy and the Mediterranean. Rome. Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Considerations around a polarized Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology.
2010 International Symposium: Iron Age synchronisms in the Eastern Mediterranean, coordinated by F. J. Núñez and G. Bourogiannis, Instuto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Saragossa (Spain). Contribution: Núñez, F. J.: Late Iron Age ceramic sequence and its imports: a roundtrip relationship. In press.
2010 XVI Congress of the European Association of Archaeologists. Session: The study of ceramic ‚standardization’ and ‚variability’ as a search for human choices in the Mediterranean of the late 2nd to late 1st Millennium BC. Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Tyrian potters and their products: a combination of technical standardization and ceramic variability.
2010 VIII Giornata Romana di Studi Moziesi “Antonia Ciasca”, Rome (Italy). Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Sequential references for metropolitan Phoenician ceramics.
2009 VIIth International Congress of Phoenician and Punic Studies, Hammamet (Tunis). Contribution: Núñez Calvo, F. J.: The chronology of Tyre Strata V – I. In press.
2008 International Congress: Ceramics interconnections in the eastern Mediterranean Lebanon in the Bronze and Iron ages, Beirut (Lebanon). Contribution: Núñez Calvo, F. J., Aubet, M. E.: Imported material / typology and results.
2007 Ceramics of the Phoenician – Punic world: a workshop, organized by Dr Claudia Sagona (University of Melbourne), Professor Anthony Bonanno (University of Malta), and Dr Nicholas Vella (University of Malta), La Valetta (Malta). Contribution: Núñez Calvo, F. J.: Tyre – al Bass: potters and cemeteries.
2006 XV UISPP Congress, Lisbon (Portugal). Participation in Colloquium 53: A New Dawn for the Dark Age?. Shifting Paradigms in Mediterranean Iron Age Chronology, directed by Dr. D. Brandhem (Ruhr – University, Bochum, Germany) and Dr. M. Trachsel (Universität Zürich, Switzerland). Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Western challenges to East Mediterranean chronological frameworks.
2005 VIth Congress of Phoenician Punic Studies, Lisbon (Portugal). Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Biblical chronological controversies from a ‘Phoenician’ point of view.
2005 VIth Congress of Phoenician Punic Studies, Lisbon (Portugal). Participation in the round table: The Chronology of the First Phoenicians in the West, directed by Dr. C. Sagona, with the contribution F. J. Núñez Calvo: The Phoenician sequence: virtues and dependences.
2003 Congreso Español de Antiguo Oriente Próximo, Huelva (Spain). Contribution: M. E. Aubet, F. J. Núñez, L. Trellisó: La necrópolis fenicia de Tiro – al Bass en el contexto funerario fenicio oriental.
2000 V Congresso Internazionale di Studi Fenici e Punici. Marsala – Palermo (Italy). Communication: F. J. Núñez: Tyre – al Bass ’97: the pottery Evidence.
2000 I Congreso de Arqueología e Historia del Oriente Próximo. ERIDU, Societat Catalana d’Amics del Pròxim Orient Antic. Barcelona (Spain). Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: Algunos aspectos cronológicos relativos a la Arqueología del Mediterráneo oriental durante la Edad del Hierro.
1999 ARAM Twelfth International Conference: Beirut: History and Archaeology. American University of Beirut (Lebanon). Contribution: F. J. Núñez Calvo: An approach to exchange relations in Iron Age Beirut: the ceramic evidence.
2010 International Symposium: Iron Age Synchronisms in the Eastern Mediterranean. Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Saragossa (Spain), 3-4 December 2010.
2022 International workshop: Red Slip in central and western Mediterranean between the 9th and the 6th century BC. Tracking lasting features, local peculiarities, and technological innovations. PMSea PRIN2017 Project. Rome, 24th May 2022. Key Lecture: Francisco J. Núñez: ‘Iron Age red-slipped wares in a social context’.
2022 International workshop: Ceramic bichromy in the Eastern Mediterranean during the 2nd and 1st millennia BC, Archaeological Research Unit, University of Cyprus, Friday, 20 May 2022.
2022 International Webinar: Levantine and Phoenician commercial amphorae between east and west: patterns of innovation (16th-7th centuries BCE). Heritage Science on Air, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Institute of Heritage Science, May 12th and 13th 2022. Communication: Núñez Calvo, F. J.: ‘Storage jars in Tyre vs. storage jars from Tyre’.
2022 PCMA Weminar: The 2021 campaign of archaeological excavations on the acropolis of Tyre. The Roman temple compound. 17th February 2022.
2018 Los inicios del fenómeno fenicio en el Mediterráneo centro-occidental. Scuola di Spezzializacione in beni Archeologici. Dipartamento di Storia, beni Culturali e Studi Culturali. Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). 29th December 2018.
2018 La estructura secuencial y cronológica de Tiro y al-Bass. Scuola di Spezzializacione in beni Archeologici. Dipartamento di Storia, beni Culturali e Studi Culturali. Università degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). 29th December 2018.
2017 Gli excavi dell’Università Pompeu Fabra di Barcelona a Tiro: la necropolis de al-Bass e l’Acropoli. Scuola di Spezzializacione in beni Archeologici. Dipartamento di Storia, beni Culturali e Territorio. Univeristà degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). 8th May, 2017.
2017 La cronología de la expansión fenicia. Una perspective desde el Mediterráneo Oriental. Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici Nesiotikà. Sassari University, Center at Oristano (Italy). 16th March, 2017.
2017 Progetto Tiro: scavi nella necropolis fenicia di al-Bass e sull’Acropoli della Città. Dipartimento di Storia, Science dell’Uomo e della Formazione. Sassari University (Italy). 18th January, 2017.
2011 Al – Bass: the Phoenician cemetery of Tyre. Institut Français d’Archeologie du Proche-Orient (IFAPO). Beirut (Lebanon), February 25th, 2011.
2009 La campaña del 2008 en Tiro-Al Bass: primeros resultados, at the Seminario de Alta Especialización en Mundo Fenicio y Púnico. Recientes novedades arqueológicas y epigráficas fenicio-púnicas en Cerdeña, Túnez y Líbano. Series of Postgraduate courses of the Spanish High Council for Scientific Research (CSIC): Las culturas del Próximo Oriente Antiguo y su expansión mediterránea. Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo, Saragossa (Spain). 6th March, 2009.
2009 La Fenicia metropolitana: análisis de un proceso cultural, Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo (Spanish High Council for Scientific Research), Saragossa (Spain), 9-11 February, 2009.
2008 Excavaciones Arqueológicas de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra en Líbano (al-Bass – Tiro). Seminar-Exposition Excavaciones Arqueológicas Españolas en el Próximo Oriente. Facultad de Humanidades of the Universidad de Catilla – La Mancha, Campus of Albacete (Spain). December 17th, 2008.
Public lectures
2019 La diaspora fenicia attraverso il Mediterraneo: il caso di S. Imbenia. Museo Civico Archeologico, Alghero (Sardinia, Italy). 27th July, 2019.
2019 22 years of Spanish archaeology in Tyre, Lebanon. Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University (Poland). 23rd May 2019.
2017 Producciones cerámicas coloniales fenicias y sus conexiones con el Mediterráneo Oriental, lecture held in the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, within the IV Seminario Internacional: Los jueves fenicio-púnicos del CEFYP. Madrid, 23rd November 2017.
2015 Principles of metropolitan Phoenician pottery, lecture held at the Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany). 23rd April, 2015.
2015 Key elements to understand the Phoenician metropolitan ceramic repertoire, lecture held at the Institut für Klassische Archäologie, Tübingen University (Germany). 22nd April, 2015.
2012 Al-Bass. The Phoenician cemetery of Tyre. Gastvortrag held at the Institute for Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Tübingen University (Germany). June 12th, 2012.
2009 Observaciones en torno a la secuencia cerámica fenicia metropolitana. Istituto di Studi sulle Civiltà Italiche e del Mediterraneo Antico, Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, Rome, 27th April, 2009.
2009 El cementerio de Tiro – al-Bass. Museo Provincial de Cáceres (Spain), 12th February, 2009.
2001 Los Fenicios en Fenicia. Museo Arqueológico Provincial de Badajoz (Spain). 24th November, 2001.
- Lebanese-Spanish-Polish Archaeological Expedition in Tyre in the media (link)