Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Seasons 2014–2015

Grzegorz Majcherek, with appendix by Emanuela Kulicka

Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Seasons 2014–2015,
appendix: Islamic cemetery at Kom-el-Dikka in Alexandria: 2014 and 2015 excavation seasons

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The Polish–Egyptian mission at Kom el-Dikka, run by the PCMA UW, stepped up the already advanced preservation processes aimed at establishing an Archaeological Park at the site. Conservation work was carried out in the Theatre Portico, the Bath complex and the residential quarter of late Roman date in the eastern part of the excavation area. In turn, the western part was the focus of archaeological research centered on the exploration of some late Roman structures located underneath. The early medieval/Islamic cemetery overlying these remains was explored first. A detailed report from this work is appended to this article. The human skeletal remains from the cemetery were examined by anthropologists. The western gate to the bath complex, leading from the Theatre Portico, was fully exposed. Finds from present and earlier work at the site continued to be studied: glass vessels, pottery, lamps, bone objects, painted wall plaster, and a vast collection of coins.


Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka, medieval/Islamic cemetery, baths, portico, conservation


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