PCMA UW Publications Section

Publications of the Polish Centre of the Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw

  • Monographs dedicated to the results of archaeological excavations and conservation and restoration works, presented in several different publication series (see below).
  • Miscellanea (scientific publications, e.g. jubilee volumes, exhibition catalogues) and popular publications: books and leaflets popularizing the results of PCMA work.
  • The journal Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean.

Publication Series

PAM Monograph Series – publication of the results of detailed studies of material from current and archival excavations.
Initiated in 2009 (formerly: PAM Supplement Series).
Published for PCMA UW by the University of Warsaw Press.

Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology – publications of excavation research results, mainly from ongoing large projects financed by Polish and foreign grants (e.g. National Science Centre and European Research Council). The first books in this series are co-financed by the Ministry of Education and Science as part of the activities aimed at internationalization of Polish science.
The series was established in 2020.
Published by Peeters Publishers.

Warsaw Studies in Archaeology – a series established in collaboration with the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, to provide a forum for the publication of peer-reviewed, original research in archaeology conducted by and in collaboration with the University.
The series was launched in 2021.
Published by Brepols Publishers.

PCMA Excavation Series – studies, usually penned by several authors, presenting specific stages of fieldwork; results of archaeological investigations, reports from conservation and reconstruction work, results of interdisciplinary research in the fields of archaeozoology, archaeobotany, topography, geophysics, etc.
The series was initiated in 2011.
Published for PCMA UW by the University of Warsaw Press.

Studia Palmyreńskiemonographic studies on ancient Palmyra in Syria.
Formerly a journal (12 volumes issued irregularly in 1966–2013); transformed into a book series in 2014.
Published for PCMA UW by the University of Warsaw Press.

PCMA Archaeological Guides – richly illustrated and accessibly written guides describing the monuments and history of a site with particular emphasis on recent archaeological discoveries, or providing an introduction to contemporary archaeological research in a particular region. Intended for students and enthusiasts of archaeology as well as specialists.
The series established in 2013.
Published for PCMA UW by the University of Warsaw Press.

The PCMA UW Publications Section

Head of PCMA Publications Section and Chief Editor
Dorota Dzierzbicka, PhD

Studia Palmyreńskie Series Editor
Assoc. Prof. Grzegorz Majcherek

Language Editors:
English: Agata Czamara, PhD, Mgr Ewa Balcerzyk, MA
French: Katarzyna Bartkiewicz, MA

Bibliography editor
Aleksandra Zych, MA

Publications archiving
Ewa Czyżewska-Zalewska, MA

Library exchange and distribution
Agnieszka Pieńkowska, PhD

PCMA Publications Information Bulletins:

Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
15/17 Tyniecka st, 02-630 Warsaw

tel. (+48) 22 55 31 310
e-mail: pam.pcma(at)uw.edu.pl