Latest publications

  • Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean accessible through C.E.E.O.L.

    The latest issue of PAM 21 (Research 2009) is now available via the Central and East European Online Library. C.E.E.O.L. is an online archive which provides access to full text PDF articles from almost a thousand humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents pertaining to Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics or published in […]

  • Fresh volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

    The latest volume of the annual of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (Research 2009) contains almost 50 articles, including 39 reports from 18 sites studied by PCMA missions in the 2009 season. The reported archaeological and conservation projects were carried out at sites in Egypt, […]

  • PAM XIX now available

    The 19th volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean. Reports is now available. This issue presents the results of 23 archaeological and conservation fieldwork projects carried out by the PCMA in the 2007 season. Over 600 pages of reports in English, abundantly illustrated. The volume comes with a CD containing PDF files of all the […]

  • PAM online!

    All eighteen volumes of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, PCMA’s annual reports journal published regularly since 1989, are now available online. Free access is provided to all the reports and study articles that have been published in issues from I (1988-1989) to XVIII (2006), altogether about 500 items as pdf files, covering all fields of work […]

  • Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean – Call for papers

    Our journal Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean has made the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education list of evaluated Scientific Journals (4 points value). Even as work on the forthcoming issue of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean (PAM 21, Research 2009) is nearing the printing stage, we have been preparing for the next two […]

  • Saqqara IV, The Funerary Complex of Nyankhnefertem

    Now available from: The fourth volume in the Saqqara series presenting the results of Polish-Egyptian excavations at Saqqara, directed by Prof. K. Myśliwiec: Karol Myśliwiec, Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz et alii, Saqqara IV, The Funerary Complex of Nyankhnefertem, ZAŚ PAN and Wydawnictwo Neriton: Warszawa 2010 This thorough analysis of the funerary complex of Nyankhnefertem, trusted […]

  • New volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

    The latest volume, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 20 (Research 2008) contains over 50 articles, including 26 reports from 16 sites studied by PCMA missions in the 2008 season.. A new feature introduced in this volume is a Studies section which follows the traditional Reports section. The Studies Section is intended to hold research articles […]

  • PCMA Excavation Series

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw introduces a new series of publications, the PCMA Excavation Series. The focus of the new series will correspond to the scope, both territorial and chronological, of fieldwork conducted by teams from the PCMA. The PCMA Excavation Series has been conceived as a forum for presenting the […]

  • Classica Orientalia. Essays Presented to Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski on his 75th

    The double anniversary of 50 years of archaeological research and the 75th birthday of prof. Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski has been honored with the publication of a book: Classica Orientalia. Essays Presented to Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski on his 75th Birthday. Classica Orientialia is a collection of essays presented to Prof. Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski by his friends, […]

  • Fresh volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

    The latest volume of the annual of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (Research 2009) contains almost 50 articles, including 39 reports from 18 sites studied by PCMA missions in the 2009 season. The reported archaeological and conservation projects were carried out at sites in Egypt, […]