Saqqara IV, The Funerary Complex of Nyankhnefertem

Now available from: The fourth volume in the Saqqara series presenting the results of Polish-Egyptian excavations at Saqqara, directed by Prof. K. Myśliwiec:
Karol Myśliwiec, Kamil O. Kuraszkiewicz et alii, Saqqara IV, The Funerary Complex of Nyankhnefertem, ZAŚ PAN and Wydawnictwo Neriton: Warszawa 2010
This thorough analysis of the funerary complex of Nyankhnefertem, trusted secretary and priest of pharaoh Pepi I, is richly illustrated with more than 150 plates. The volume includes an in-depth analysis of the decoration of the funerary cult chapel of Nyankhnefertem.