
  • Conference Polacy nad Nilem, seasons 2011-2012

    The PCMA and the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw have the pleasure of inviting all those interested in the outcomes of recent Polish research in Egypt and Sudan to the conference Polacy nad Nilem / Poles on the Nile. Three days of presentations will take place in the Institute of Archaeology of […]

  • 8th ICAANE Warsaw 2012

    The PCMA is one of the organizers of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), along with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation. The congress will take place in Warsaw, from April, 30 till May, 4 2012. ICAANE meetings take place […]

  • Fifty Years of Cooperation between Sudan and Poland in the Field of Archaeology

    A conference commemorating 50 years of Polish-Sudanese cooperation in archaeology and preservation of Sudanese cultural heritage will take place on 27-30 April in the Sudanese National Museum in Khartoum. The PCMA has the honor on this occasion to award medals of merit to Sudanese colleagues in recognition of their contribution to the success of this […]

  • Conference “Palmyra – queen of the desert. 50 years of polish excavations in Palmyra 1959-2009”

    The international conference “Palmyra ? Queen of the Desert”, organized jointly by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, the Institute of Archaeology and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation, all of the University of Warsaw, will take place on 6-8 December 2010. The conference is dedicated to summing up fifty years of archaeological excavations carried out in […]

  • Polacy nad Nilem

    Archaeological research in Egypt and Sudan during season 2007-2008. June 23-24, 2008, Institute of Archaeology Warsaw University, room 209, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warsaw Organizers:Institute of Archaeology (Warsaw University)Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (Warsaw University)

  • Graves and scholars

    in Polish only: Ciągłość tradycji i przejawy obrządku pogrzebowego w badaniach archeologicznych na stanowiskach cmentarnych w Dolinie Nilu (bieżące prace Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) sesja organizowana przez Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW w Warszawie, 21-22 listopada 2005 r. Instytut Archeologii UW ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Sala nr 210 ————————————————– Komitet programowy: prof. dr. hab Michał Gawlikowski (Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej […]