Old Dongola
Historical name: Tungul
Modern name: Gaddar
Project name:
Old Dongola: Development, Heritage, Archaeology
(previously: Polish Archaeological Mission in Old Dongola)
Project logo:
- Facebook: UMMA Archaeological Project in Old Dongola – Sudan
- Facebook: Baraka Project at Old Dongola
- Instagram: Baraka Project Dongola
- YouTube: Playlist on PCMA UW channel: “Dongola (Sudan): a capital city in the Nile Valley”
- Project site: Virtual Nubia
Type of site:
City with a citadel, necropoles
Northern Province
Ancient Makuria in Nubia
Capital of the kingdom of MakuriaDating:
– Makurian period (5th/6th–14th century AD)
– Funj period, small kingdom of Dongola (15th–18th century AD)
Most interesting finds:
– Fortifications of the citadel
– Sacral architecture, cathedral, churches (several buildings)
– Residential architecture, Palace of King Ioannes, single- and multi-story houses
– Great Monastery of St Anthony
– Wall paintings from the 6th to the 14th century AD
– Pottery workshops
– Monumental representative building (throne hall of the kings of Makuria?), since 1317 functioning as a mosque
– Crypt of Archbishop Georgios with Greek, Coptic and Old Nubian texts on the walls
– Numerous funerary stelae of the Makurian elites made of stone and terracotta
History of research:
Dates of PCMA mission’s work:
Type of research:
– Antoni Ostrasz (1964–1966)
– Stefan Jakobielski (1966–2006)
– Włodzimierz Godlewski (2006–2017)
– Artur Obłuski (2018– )
Co-operating institutions:
– Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
– National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums
– Nubian Archaeological Development Organization Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project (QSAP)
Additional information:
The research was subsidized by the Ford Foundation (conservation of wall paintings in House A) and the Qatar-Sudan Archaeological Project no. 10 (Citadel) and no. 31 (Monastery).
In 2017, Dr. Artur Obłuski received an ERC grant for the project “UMMA: Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city”.
In 2018, a DIALOG grant “ArcheoCDN. Archeologiczne Centrum Doskonałości Naukowej / Archaeological Centre of Scientific Excellence” was awarded to the PCMA UW in 2018 by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education; one of the project tasks is implemented in Dongola.
In 2021, “Histories imprinted on floors. Functioning of households in Old Dongola after the fall of Makuria” project received funding from National Science Centre Poland in Preludium 19 programme (no. 2020/37/N/HS3/01400)
In 2022, „Kyriakós oíkos? A diachronic conceptualization of space and function in medieval Nubian churches” project received NCN SONATA BIS 11 grant (no.2021/42/E/HS3/00381), Principal Investigator: Dr. Artur Obłuski.
In 2022, “Emergency Measures to Preserve the Church of Archangel Raphael, Old Dongola, Sudan.” project received a $15,002 “Emergency Relief” grant from the ALIPH Foundation.
In 2022, “Testimonies of cooperative care: Socioeconomic system of the maintenance of the oldest mosque in Sudan” project received funding from Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations of the University of Warsaw (CRAC) in The Small Grant programme.
In 2023, “Life in the Makurian Metropolis: A Bioarchaeological Inquiry into Medieval Old Dongola, Sudan” project received NCN OPUS 23 grant (no. 2022/45/B/HS3/01708), Principal Investigator: Dr. Robert Stark.
In 2023, “Baraka: Revitalization of the Oldest Preserved Sudanese Mosque at Old Dongola” project received funding from the ALIPH Foundation.
In 2023, Assoc. Prof. Artur Obłuski received an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project “Afropolis Tungul: Urban biography of a cosmopolitan African capital”
Description of the site and research:
Dongola lies on the eastern bank of the Nile, halfway between the Third and Fourth Cataracts. It functioned for more than 1200 years, from the erection of the citadel at the end of the 5th century to the abandonment of the city in the 18th century. It was the capital of the kingdom of Makuria, probably founded by one of its first rulers who built here a city with massive fortifications. Palaces and public building were constructed on the citadel. In the middle of the 6th century, with the conversion of the kingdom to Christianity, the city developed further and extended beyond the area of the citadel. It experienced its heyday in the 9th–11th centuries, but an intensive urbanization process lasted till the 14th century.
The site covers almost 200 hectares. The citadel and urban architecture surrounding it were located in the southern part while in the eastern one lay cemeteries from different periods of the city’s functioning, including a complex of domed Muslim tombs. Suburban residences 100–120 m2 big extended in the north. Some of the houses had a second story, e.g., “House A” was furnished with a bathroom with heated water and wall paintings as well as a toilet on the upper floor. Close to this part of the site, a complex of pottery kilns and iron furnaces was discovered. Over a dozen churches were uncovered in Dongola, and there were two monasteries on its peripheries, including the magnificent Monastery of the Holy Trinity (Great Monastery of St Anthony) which stood about 1.5 km from the citadel. Inside were preserved unique wall paintings dated to the 11th–13th century. More than 100 compositions depict, among others, Christ, Mary, the Apostles, scenes from the Old and New Testament, dignitaries. The walls of the crypt of Archbishop Georgios, built at the beginning of the 12th century, are covered with Greek, Coptic and Old Nubian texts.
At the foot of the citadel stood the Cruciform Church, one of the largest sacral buildings in Makuria, and the Church of the Granite Columns which is considered to be a prototype of the Faras Cathedral. To the east of the citadel, a 9th-century monumental representative building, interpreted as the Throne Hall of the kings of Makuria, was preserved to its full height. It was converted into a mosque in 1317; this date is considered the beginning of the Islamic period in Nubia. The royal court left Dongola in 1364. The city became the center of a small kingdom which, however, still maintained active trade relations both with the Far East and Europe.
Events and press releases:
2023-12 Wall paintings from Old Dongola in Top 10 archaeological discoveries of 2023
2023-04 New discoveries in Old Dongola. Protection for Tungul: new, unique wall paintings discovered in Old Dongola, Sudan
2023-02 Hieroglyphs discovered in Old Dongola, Sudan
2023-02 ERC grant awarded to project researching the Nubian metropolis of Tungul
2023-02 ALIPH Foundation funds new PCMA UW project to revitalize the oldest mosque in Sudan
2023-01 Second ERC grant for Artur Obłuski and the PCMA UW
2023-01 Roof completed over the Church of Archangel Raphael in Old Dongola
2022-12 ALIPH Foundation grant for roofing the Church of Archangel Raphael in Dongola
2022-08 “From Faras to Soba” – new book in Open Access
2022-07 Public’s Choice Award for Artur Obłuski’s project
2022-06 PCMA UW inspires European researchers
2022-07 Workshop on latest results of the ERC-funded UMMA project
2022-05 Archaeo-Oriental Studies Seminar: “Nubian Authorities in Painted Church Decoration”
2022-04 Archaeo-Oriental Studies Seminar: “Old Dongola – bioarchaeological studies”
2022-01 Dongola and Deir el-Bahari: new books in Open Access from Peeters
2021-09 New book – Old Dongola: Continuity and Change
2021-05 Cathedral of Dongola: new discoveries in Sudan
2020-09 Virtual Nubia: visit a medieval monastery on your screen
2020-02 Dongola: archaeologists to train tourist guides
2020-01 Open Day in Dongola: 1000 people visit the site
2019-08 Book on Dongola published in Open Access
2019-06 Workshop: ERC Starting Grant UMMA
2018-12 DIALOG grant for the PCMA, again!
2018-11 Start of fieldwork for the ERC grant “UMMA” project
2017-08 ERC grant for PCMA
2017-06 Evening with Stefan Jakobielski: “Faces of Nubia — for Stefan”
2016-06 Jubilee volume presented to Prof. Włodzimierz Godlewski
2013-07 Voices from the Nile Valley at the 27th Congress of Papyrology
3D reconstructions:
Research results:
Season by season – “PCMA Newsletter”:
- 2018 season
- 2017 season
- 2016 season
- 2015 season
- 2014 season
- 2013 season
- 2012 season
- 2011 season
- 2010 season
- 2009 season
- 2008 season
- 2007 season
Popular publications in Open Access:
- Tomomi Fushiya, Old Dongola: Continuity and change from the Medieval period to the 21st century/ دنقلا العجوز: الاستمرارية والتغيرات من فترة العصور الوسطى إلى القرن 21
- Włodzimierz Godlewski, Dongola – ancient Tungul, Archaeological guide, Warsaw: PCMA, 2013
de Lellis-Danys, K. (2024). Ceramics from the North Church in Old Dongola revisited. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1(XXXIII)
de Lellis-Danys, K. (2024). Transformations in the Socio-Economy of an African City. The Pottery from Old Dongola in the 14th–18th centuries CE. Nubia. Studies in the Archaeology and History of Northeast Africa. Brepols
Nasreldein, M., Riehl, S., Obłuski, A., & Conard, N. J. (2024). The archaeology of pleasure: Evidence for the use of tobacco at Old Dongola in Northern Sudan (16th–19th centuries AD). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 53, 104359. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.104359
Wyżgoł, M. (2024). Households in Transition: Persistence and Change of Dwellings in the City of Old Dongola (Sudan, 14th–17th Century). African Archaeological Review, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10437-024-09584-7
Wyżgoł, M., & Woronko, B. (2024). Geochemical analysis of domestic spaces. Studying activity areas in houses at 17th-century Old Dongola, Sudan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 57, 104599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104599
Woźniak, M. M., Witkowski, B., Gierczak, T., & Biesaga, M. (2023) “First dye identification analyses conducted on textiles from Old Dongola (Sudan, 17th–18th centuries ce)”. Archaeometry. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12930
Wyżgoł, M., Deptuła, A. (2023). Assembling a household in the Middle Nile Valley (Old Dongola, Sudan) in the 16th–17th centuries. Journal of Social Archaeology, 0(0). DOI: 10.1177/14696053231170023
Danys, K., & Franczyk, B. (2022). II.6 Ethnoarchaeology and Experimental Archaeology. In R. David (éd.), Concise Manual for Ceramic Studies (1‑). Africae. https://doi.org/10.4000/books.africae.5740
Obłuski A., Dzierzbicka D. (eds.) (2022). Old Dongola: Development, Heritage, Archaeology. Fieldwork in 2018–2019. Vol. 2: Material Studies (=Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology 6), Leuven–Paris–Bristol: Peeters Publishers DOI 10.2143/9789042948037
Obłuski, A., Herbich, T., & Ryndziewicz, R. (2022). Shedding light on the Sudanese Dark Ages: Geophysical research at Old Dongola, a city‐state of the Funj period (16th–19th centuries). Archaeological Prospection, 29(2), 259-273. https://doi.org/10.1002/arp.1850
Fushiya, T. (2021). Dialogue Community Project in Old Dongola (2019–2021). Sudan & Nubia, 25, 95-107.
Fushiya, T. (2021). Teaching collaborative archaeology and heritage management in Sudan. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2(XXX), 537-554. doi: 10.31338/uw.2083-537X.pam30.2.23
Obłuski, A., Dzierzbicka, D., (eds.) (2021). Old Dongola: Development, Heritage, Archaeology. Fieldwork in 2018–2019. 1, (=Polish Publications in Mediterranean Archaeology 1), Leuven–Paris–Bristol: Peeters Publishers (Open Access PDF)
Fushiya, T. (2021). Old Dongola: Continuity and change from the Medieval period to the 21st century/ دنقلاالعجوز: الاستمرارية والتغيرات من فترة العصور الوسطى إلى القرن 21
Dzierzbicka, D., & Danys, K. (2021). Radiocarbon Dates from the Monastery on Kom H in Old Dongola (Sudan) and the Chronology of Medieval Nubian Pottery. Radiocarbon, 1-21. DOI: 10.1017/RDC.2021.4
Wyżgoł, M. (2021). Dwelling after Makuria: the organisation and function of space in houses of the Funj period in Old Dongola, Nubia, Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa, DOI: 10.1080/0067270X.2020.1865665
Woźniak, M. M. (2020). Textile material from Old Dongola: preliminary observations on trade and sartorial practices in the Ottoman period. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2(XXIX), 739-760. https://doi.org/10.31338/uw.2083-537X.pam29.2.31
Wyżgoł, M., Deptuła, A. (2020). Living Outside the Wall: the Quarter of Wattle-and-daub Houses in Old Dongola of the Funj Period, Journal of African Archaeology 18, 1–24, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/21915784-20200005
Herbich, T., & Ryndziewicz, R. (2019). Geophysical surveying in Egypt and Sudan: periodical report for 2017–2018. New Global Perspectives on Archaeological Prospection, Archaeopress, Oxford, 169-172. doi: 10.32028/9781789693072
Innemée, K., Zielińska, D., (2018). The King and the Cross, the Iconography of a painting in the Throne-Hall of Dongola, in M. Honegger (ed.), Nubian Archaeology in the XXIst Century. Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference for Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel, 1st-6th September 2014, Louvain, Peeters, 615–624
Godlewski, W., (2018). Archaeological and architectural evidence of social change in 13th–17th century Dongola, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 27/1, 617–643
Godlewski, W., Dzierzbicka, D., Łajtar, A. (eds.) (2018). Dongola 2015–2016. Fieldwork, Conservation and Site Management, (=PCMA Excavation Series 5), Warszawa: PCMA UW, WUW
Wyżgoł, M. (2017). A decorated bronze censer from the Cathedral in Old Dongola. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 26/1, 773–786.
Danys, K. (2016). Pottery from Dongola: a stratigraphic assemblage from unit B.I.41. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 25, 761–779.
Calaforra-Rzepka, C., Sosnowska, K., and Moryto-Naumiuk, D. (2015). Conservation work inside the Central Hall in seasons 2009–2012. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 37–42). Warsaw: PCMA UW
Danys, K. (2015). Amphorae from Building SWN.B.I in Dongola. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 117–151). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Dzierzbicka, D. (2015). Amphora stoppers of the 7th century from Old Dongola. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 153–168). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. (2015). Building SWN.B.V: The Church of Raphael. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 53–64). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. with appendix by R. Mahler. (2015). Dongola. Seasons in 2012–2013. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 24/1, 325–343.
Godlewski, W. (2015). SWN.B.I.E: Residential quarter of the Funj period (17th century). In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 223–232). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. (2015). The architecture of the Central Hall. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 15–24). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. (2015). The fortifications of Dongola and houses to the north of the Citadel. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 183–214). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. (2015). The southwestern part of Kom H in Dongola: research on the monastic gates and protection work in the cemeteries. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 273–284). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W., Danys, K., and Osypińska, M. (2015). Palatial Building SWN.B.I and earlier relics of Buildings SWN.B.IV and SWN.B.X. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 65–84). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Godlewski, W. and Dzierzbicka, D. (eds). (2015). Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3). Warsaw: PCMA UW
Łajtar, A. (2015). A quotation from Saint Basil’s De jejunio homilia prima 1 in a wall inscription from the Southwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H in Dongola. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 289–292). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Łajtar, A. (2015). Wall inscriptions in church SWN.B.V on the Citadel of Dongola. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 111–116). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Łajtar, A. (2015). Wall inscriptions in the Southwest Annex to the Monastery on Kom H at Dongola: Report on work in the 2013 season. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 24/1, 344–351.
Mahler, R., Godlewski, W., Danys-Lasek, K., and Czaja, B. (2015). Crypt 3 in the Northwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H in Dongola: Report on the exploration in 2012. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 24/1, 352–368.
Maślak, S. (2015). Bricks and brick structures in the western part of site SWN on the Citadel. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 85–102). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Maślak, S. (2015). Houses of the Funj period outside the Citadel: materials and structures. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 215–222). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Vantieghem, N. (2015). Documents arabes trouvés à Dongola. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 235–238). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Zielińska, D. (2015). Painted decoration of the Central Hall: preliminary report. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 25–36). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Zielińska, D. (2015). The painted decoration of Building SWN.B.V (Royal Church) on the Citadel: state of research. In W. Godlewski and D. Dzierzbicka (eds), Dongola 2012–2014. Fieldwork, conservation and site management (=PCMA Excavation Series 3) (pp. 103–110). Warsaw: PCMA UW.
Danys-Lasek, K. (2014). Dongola: Pottery from Building B.VI (Site C.01), seasons 2010–2011. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 23/1, 311–321.
Godlewski, W. (2014). Dongola 2010–2011. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 23/1, 265–284.
Łajtar, A. (2014). Dongola 2010: Epigraphic report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 23/1, 285–295.
Łajtar, A. (2014). Epitaph of Staurosaña (†1057), granddaughter (?) of a king Zakharias, found in Dongola. In A. Lohwasser and P. Wolf (eds), Ein Forscherleben zwischen den Welten. Zum 80. Geburtstag von Steffen Wenig (pp. 221–228). Berlin: Sudanarchäologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2014). Nubian representations of Nativity discovered in the Monastery in Old Dongola. In J.R. Anderson and D.A. Welsby (eds), The Fourth Cataract and beyond: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference for Nubian Studies (=British Museum Publications on Egypt and Sudan 1) (pp. 917–927). Leuven: Peeters.
Obłuski, A. (2014). Excavation at site C.01 on the citadel of Tungul (Old Dongola), Sudan: Preliminary report. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 23/1, 296–310.
Osypińska, M. (2014). Animal husbandry and meat consumption in Makurite Dongola, Sudan. Faunal evidence from the royal residence area, 6th–17th century. Archeologia, 64, 67–81.
Godlewski, W. (2013). Archbishop Georgios of Dongola. Socio-political change in the kingdom of Makuria in the second half of the 11th century. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 663–677.
Godlewski, W. (2013). Dongola: Ancient Tungul. Archaeological guide (=PCMA Archaeological Guides 1). Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw.
Godlewski, W. (2013). Dongola, Sudan: excavations in 2012. Światowit, 10 (51) Fasc. A, 185–192.
Godlewski, W. (2013). Dongola, Sudan: excavations in 2012–2013. Światowit, 11 (52) Fasc. A, 233–240.
Godlewski, W. (2013). The kingdom of Makuria in the 7th century. The struggle for power and survival. In C.J. Robin and J. Schiettecatte (eds), Les préludes de l’Islam : ruptures et continuités dans les civilisations du Proche-Orient, de l’Afrique orientale, de l’Arabie et de l’Inde à la veille de l’Islam (pp. 85–104). Paris: De Boccard.
Godlewski, W. and Łajtar, A. (2013). Dongola. In Voices from the Nile Valley: Polish archaeology between Alexandria and Dongola. Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
Obłuski, A., Godlewski, W., Kołątaj, W., Medeksza, S., and Calaforra-Rzepka, C. (2013). The Mosque Building in Dongola. Conservation and revitalization project. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 248–272.
Osypińska, M. (2013). Archaeozoological research on animal remains from excavations in Dongola (Sudan) in 2010. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 229–247.
Then-Obluska, J. (2013). Medieval transcultural medium: beads and pendants from Makurian and post – Makurian Dongola in Nubia, Preliminary assessment. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 679–720.
Danys-Lasek, K. (2012). Dongola 2009: Pottery from Building I (Kom A). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21, 315–329.
Godlewski, W. with appendix by C. Calaforra-Rzepka (2012). Dongola 2008–2009. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21, 289–314.
Godlewski, W. (2012). Washtub from the Palace of Ioannes in Dongola. Études et Travaux, 25, 119–125.
Godlewski, W., Mahler, R., and Czaja-Szewczak, B. (2012). Crypts 1 and 2 in the Northwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H in Dongola: Report on the exploration in 2009. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21, 338–360.
Łajtar, A. and van der Vliet, J. (2012). Wall inscriptions in a burial vault under the Northwest Annex of the Monastery on Kom H (Dongola 2009). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 21, 330–337.
Danys-Lasek, K. and Łajtar, A. (2011). An amphora with a Graeco-Nubian inscription found at Dongola. In A. Łajtar and J. van der Vliet (eds), Nubian voices: Studies in Christian Nubian culture (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 15) (pp. 37–94). Warsaw: Journal of Juristic Papyrology.
Godlewski, W. (2011). Mosaic floor from the sanctuary of the EC.II cathedral in Dongola. In H. Meyza and I. Zych (eds), Classica orientalia: Essays presented to Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski on his 75th birthday (pp. 193–198). Warsaw: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology, University of Warsaw; Wydawnictwo DiG.
Jakobielski, S. and van der Vliet, J. (2011). From Aswan to Dongola: The epitaph of bishop Joseph (died AD 668). In A. Łajtar and J. van der Vliet (eds), Nubian voices: Studies in Christian Nubian culture (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 15) (pp. 15–35). Warsaw: Journal of Juristic Papyrology.
Lichocka, B. (2011). The 12 Nummia coin from Old Dongola. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 20, 245–249.
Łajtar, A. (2011). New finds of Greek epitaphs at Dongola. In A. Łajtar and J. van der Vliet (eds), Nubian voices: Studies in Christian Nubian culture (=Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 15) (pp. 37–94). Warsaw: Journal of Juristic Papyrology.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2011). The wall paintings from the Monastery on Kom H in Dongola (=Nubia 3; Dongola 3; PAM Monograph Series 3). Warsaw: PCMA, Warsaw University Press.
Gazda, D. (2010). Excavations at the Monastery Church on Kom H at Old Dongola 2002/2003–2006. Gdańsk Archaeological Museum African Reports, 6, 41–60.
Godlewski, W. (2010). Dongola after the 2008–2010 seasons: Royalty, saints and blessed bishops. Sudan & Nubia, 14, 75–82.
Godlewski, W. (2010). Old Dongola. Kom A (Citadel), 2007. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, 313–326.
Godlewski, W. and Kociankowska-Bożek, J. (2010). Early Makuria Research Project. Season 2007. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 19, 494–499.
Jakobielski, S. (2010). The Holy Trinity Monastery in Old Dongola. Excavations 2002/2003–2006. Gdańsk Archaeological Museum African Reports, 6, 69–90.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2010). New iconographical elements in Old Dongola painting. Gdańsk Archaeological Museum African Reports, 6, 119–124.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2010). Two unique paintings in the monastery on Kom H in Old Dongola. In W W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds), Between the cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Nubian studies, Warsaw University, 27 August – 2 September 2006, II.2. Session papers (=PAM Supplement Series 2.2/2) (pp. 705–712). Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
Pluskota, K. (2010). The pottery from Old Dongola – selected questions. In W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds), Between the cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Nubian studies, Warsaw University, 27 August – 2 September 2006, II.1. Session papers (=PAM Supplement Series 2.2/1) (pp. 255–262). Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
Zielińska, D. (2010). Edifice without parallel: Cruciform Building on the Old Dongola citadel. In W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds), Between the cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Nubian studies, Warsaw University, 27 August – 2 September 2006, II.2. Session papers (=PAM Supplement Series 2.2/2) (pp. 695–703). Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
Bagińska, D. (2008). Christian pottery from Old Dongola (Kom H). Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 18, 361–375.
Gazda, D. (2008). The Monastery Church on Kom H in Old Dongola after two seasons of excavations in 2006. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 18, 349–360.
Jakobielski, S. (2008). The Holy Trinity Monastery in Old Dongola. In W. Godlewski and A. Łajtar (eds), Between the cataracts: Proceedings of the 11th Conference for Nubian studies, Warsaw University, 27 August – 2 September 2006, I. Main papers (=PAM Supplement Series 2.1) (pp. 283–302). Warsaw: Warsaw University Press.
Jakobielski, S. and Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2008). Old Dongola. Fieldwork, seasons 2005/2006 and 2006. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 18, 325–342. Appendix 1: Moryto-Naumiuk, D., Old Dongola 2006: conservation report, 343–345. Appendix 2: Gazda, D., Exploration of Kom J in Old Dongola (2002 and 2006), 346–348.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (2008). A scene of ritual dance (Old Dongola – Sudan). Études et Travaux, 22, 115–125.
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Jakobielski, S. (1986). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1978/79–1982. In M. Krause (ed.), Nubische Studien: Tagungsakten der 5. Internationalen Konferenz der International Society for Nubian Studies, Heidelberg, 22.–25. September 1982 (pp. 299–304). Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern.
Jakobielski, S. (1986). Stara Dongola (Old Dongola). In Z. Kiss (ed.), 50 lat polskich wykopalisk w Egipcie i na Bliskim Wschodzie (pp. 91–96). Warsaw: Dom Słowa Polskiego.
Jakobielski, S. and Medeksza, S. (1985). The North-West Church in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 5, 2–3.
Godlewski, W. (1985). Some remarks on the Cruciform Church in Old Dongola (Sudan). Nubian Letters, 4, 20–22.
Godlewski, W. (1984). Polskie badania archeologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) w latach 1981–1982 (Polish excavations at Old Dongola (Sudan) in 1981–1982). Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 28, 465–484.
Godlewski, W. (1984). The Church of Stone Pavement in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 2, 11–16.
Godlewski, W. (1983). Polish excavations at Old Dongola (1980–1983). Nyame Akuma, 23, 27–28.
Jakobielski, S. (1983). Dongola. In Encyklopedia katolicka IV (pp. 114–115). Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1982). An introduction to the history of Nubian church architecture. Nubia Christiana, 1, 43–133.
Godlewski, W. (1982). Some comments on the wall painting of Christ from Old Dongola. In J.M. Plumley (ed.), Nubian studies: Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978 (pp. 95–99). Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Godlewski, W. (1982). The mosque building in Old Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (=Egyptologische uitgaven 2) (pp. 21–28). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Godlewski, W. (1982). The Throne Hall in Old Dongola (Sudan). Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 32, 569–574.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). A brief account on the churches at Old Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (=Egyptologische uitgaven 2). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). A rock-cut tomb in el-Ghaddar. In N.B. Millet and A.L. Kelley (eds), Meroitic studies: Proceedings of the Third International Meroitic Conference, Toronto, 1977 (=Meroitica 6) (pp. 175–177). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). Polish excavations at Old Dongola in 1976 and 1978. In J.M. Plumley (ed.), Nubian studies: Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978 (pp. 116–126). Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Promińska, E. (1982). Changements pathologiques des squelettes découverts dans les églises de Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (pp. 111–112). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Godlewski, W. (1981). Throne Hall at Old Dongola (the Sudan). Africana Bulletin, 30, 39–51.
Jakobielski, S. and Godlewski, W. (1981). Od Faras do Dongoli (From Faras to Dongola). Meander, 36(6), 351–355.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1980). New outline of the history of Nubian church architecture. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 55(1), 137–160.
Promińska, E. (1980). Changements pathologiques des squelettes découverts dans les églises de Dongola. Antropologia Contemporanea, 3, 153–156.
Godlewski, W. (1979). Le baptistère de l’église au dallage de pierre à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 11, 139–150.
Godlewski, W. (1979). Les baptistères nubiens (=Faras 6). Warsaw: Éditions scientifiques de Pologne.
Jakobielski, S. (1979). Dongola 1976. Études et Travaux, 11, 229–244.
Promińska, E. (1979). Human skeletal remains from the Church of the Granite Columns and the Cruciform Church at Old Dongola. Études et Travaux, 11, 151–178.
Dzierżykray-Rogalski, T. and Promińska, E. (1978). Tombeaux de deux dignitaires chrétiens dans l’eglise cruciforme de Dongola. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 91–94). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Godlewski, W. (1978). Le baptistère de la Vieille Eglise à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 10, 363–374.
Jakobielski, S. (1978). Dongola 1974. Études et Travaux, 10, 407–416.
Jakobielski, S. (1978). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1973 and 1974 seasons. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 129–140). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Promińska, E. (1978). Les ossements des tombes des églises de Dongola. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 243–246). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Promińska, E. (1976). Badania antropologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) (Anthropological investigations in Old Dongola (Sudan)). In A. Malinowski (ed.), Badania populacji ludzkich na materiałach współczesnych i historycznych: materiały z naukowej sesji antropologicznej w dniu 17 X 1975 (pp. 179–182). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
Dzierżykray-Rogalski, T. and Jakobielski, S. (1975). La tombe de l’Eparque Yoannès dans l’Église à Colonnes en Granit de Dongola (Soudan). In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 44–48). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1975). The central plan in Nubian church architecture. In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 49–64). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Jakobielski, S. (1975). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1970–1972. In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 70–75). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Kołodziejczyk, K. (1975). Remarks on the stamped Dongola ware from Faras. Études et Travaux, 8, 315–321.
Zagrodzki, T. (1975). Principes mathématiques du plan des deux églises découvertes en 1968, 1971 et 1972 à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 8, 301–313.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1973). Stary kościół w Dongoli na tle sakralnej architektury wczesnośredniowiecznej Nubii (The Old Church in Dongola against the background of sacral architecture in early medieval Nubia). Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki: Teoria i Historia, 18(3/4), 207–239.
Godlewski, W. (1973). Dongola – stolica chrześcijańskiej Nubii (Dongola – the capital of Christian Nubia). Z Otchłani Wieków, 39(4), 296–303.
Martens, M. (1973). Dongola. Études et Travaux, 7, 263–268.
Szolc, P. (1973). Polnische Ausgrabungen in Alt-Dongola im Jahre 1972. Ein Überblick. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 1, 138–142.
Kołodziejczyk, K. (1971). A tabernacle from Dongola. Études et Travaux, 5, 244–246.
Jakobielski, S. (1970). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1969. In E. Dinkler (ed.), Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlicher Zeit: Ergebnisse und Probleme auf Grund der jüngsten Ausgrabungen (pp. 171–180). Recklinghausen: A. Bongers.
Michałowski, K. (1970). Les fouilles polonaises à Dongola. In E. Dinkler (ed.), Kunst und Geschichte Nubiens in christlicher Zeit: Ergebnisse und Probleme auf Grund der jüngsten Ausgrabungen (pp. 163–170). Recklinghausen: A. Bongers.
Michałowski, K. (1969). La mosquée de Dongola au Soudan. Archéologia, 29, 30–33.
Jakobielski, S. and Krzyżaniak, L. (1967). Polish excavations at Old Dongola. Third season, December 1966 – February 1967. Kush, 15, 143–164.
Jakobielski, S. and Ostrasz, A. (1967–1968). Polish excavations at Old Dongola. Second season, December 1965 – February 1966. Kush, 15, 125–142.
Michałowski, K. (1966). Polish excavations at Old Dongola: First season, November–December 1964. Kush, 14, 289–299.
Ostrasz, A. (1965). Pierwsza kampania wykopaliskowa w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) (The first season of excavations in Old Dongola (Sudan)). Meander, 20(11–12), 451–461, 466.
Godlewski, W. (1996). Old Dongola. Kom A, 1995. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 7, 115–120.
Jakobielski, S. (1996). Old Dongola. Monastery 1995. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 7, 103–113.
Żurawski, B. (1996). Old Dongola. Cemeteries 1995. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 7, 121–135.
Godlewski, W. (1995). Old Dongola. The fortifications, 1994. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 6, 93–97.
Jakobielski, S. (1995). Dongola – dzieje, archeologia, znaczenie (Dongola – history, archaeology, importance). In M.L. Bernhard (ed.), Od Nilu do Eufratu: polska archeologia śródziemnomorska 1981–1994 (pp. 76–87). Warsaw: Uniwersytet Warszawski, Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej im. prof. Kazimierza Michałowskiego.
Jakobielski, S. (1995). Monastery of the Holy Trinity at Old Dongola – A short archaeological report. In M. Starowieyski (ed.), The spirituality of ancient monasticism: Acts of the International Colloquium, held in Cracow – Tyniec, 16–19th November 1994. Specialized contributions (pp. 35–45). Tyniec: Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów.
Jakobielski, S. (1995). Old Dongola 1993/94. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 6, 84–92.
Łajtar, A. (1995). Greek inscriptions from the monastery on Kom H in Old Dongola. In M. Starowieyski (ed.), The spirituality of ancient monasticism: Acts of the International Colloquium, held in Cracow – Tyniec, 16–19th November 1994. Specialized contributions (pp. 47–61). Tyniec: Wydawnictwo Benedyktynów.
Żurawski, B. (1995). Old Dongola 1984–1993. The Mortuary Complex. A preliminary report. Études et Travaux, 17, 327–364.
Żurawski, B. (1995). Old Dongola: The mosaic church (Kom E) 1993/94. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 6, 98–108.
El-Tayeb, M. (1994). Excavations at El-Ghaddar – Old Dongola. In C. Bonnet (ed.), Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3–8 septembre 1990, II. Communications (pp. 65–79). Geneva: C. Bonnet
Godlewski, W. (1994). Dongola, capitale de la Nubie chrétienne. Dossiers d’Archéologie, 196, 72–77.
Godlewski, W. (1994). Old Dongola town fortifications, 1993. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 5, 129–132.
Gołgowski, T. (1994). Baptism or eucharist? Some remarks on the object found in Old Dongola (Sudan). Nubian Letters, 22, 6–9.
Jakobielski, S. (1994). Dongola. In Enciclopedia dell’arte antica, classica e orientale. Suppl. 2 (pp. 396–397). Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana.
Jakobielski, S. (1994). Old Dongola 1993. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 5, 115–128.
Jakobielski, S. (1994). Old Dongola, the report on salvage works on Kom H effected in 1990 field season. Kush, 16, 305–333.
Jeuté, P. (1994). Glass finds from Old Dongola. In C. Bonnet (ed.), Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3–8 septembre 1990, II. Communications (pp. 211–223). Geneva: C. Bonnet.
Pluskota, K. (1994). Old Dongola – Kiln R 2: Post-classic Christian pottery deposit. Nubica, 3(1), 361–377.
Pluskota, K. (1994). Some remarks on the post-classic Christian pottery from Old Dongola. In C. Bonnet (ed.), Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3–8 septembre 1990, II. Communications (pp. 219–220). Geneva: C. Bonnet.
Ryl-Preibisz, I. (1994). Some fragments of architectural decoration in Nubia – capitals from Old Dongola. In C. Bonnet (ed.), Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3–8 septembre 1990, II. Communications (pp. 259–262). Geneva: C. Bonnet.
Żurawski, B. (1994). Some Christian foundation deposits from the region of Old Dongola. In C. Bonnet (ed.), Études nubiennes: conférence de Genève. Actes du VIIe Congrès international d’études nubiennes, 3–8 septembre 1990, II. Communications (pp. 211–217). Geneva: C. Bonnet.
Żurawski, B. (1994). The service area in north-eastern corner of the Monastery on Kom H in Old Dongola. A preliminary report. Nubica, 3(1), 319–360.
Żurawski, B. and El-Tayeb, M. (1994). The Christian cemetery of Jebel Ghaddar North. Nubica, 3(1), 297–317.
Jakobielski, S. (1993). Old Dongola, 1991–1992. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 4, 98–110.
Jakobielski, S., Pluskota, K., and Żurawski, B. (1993). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, twenty-fifth season 1991/92. Kush, 16, 310–325.
Łajtar, A. (1992). Two Greek inscriptions from Polish excavations in Old Dongola in the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. Aegyptus, 72(1–2), 111–142.
Pluskota, K. (1992). A liturgical vessel from Old Dongola. In P.O. Scholz (ed.), Orbis Aethiopicus: Studia in honorem Stanislaus Chojnacki natali septuagesimo quinto dicata, septuagesimo septimo oblata (=Bibliotheca Nubica 3) (pp. 411–414). Albstadt: K. Schuler.
Daszkiewicz, M. and Raabe, J. (1991). Pottery from the kiln site at Old Dongola: Determination of the firing temperature. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic and Nubian pottery: International workshop, Nieborów August 29–31, 1988, II (=National Museum in Warsaw Occasional Paper 2) (pp. 57–71). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Dobrowolski, J. (1991). The first church at Site “D” in Old Dongola (Sudan). Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 5, 29–40.
Godlewski, W. (1991). Old Dongola 1988–1989. The House PCH.1. Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 5, 79–101.
Godlewski, W. (1991). The fortifications of Old Dongola. Report on the 1990 season. Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 5, 103–128.
Godlewski, W. (1991). The Old Dongola fortifications. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2, 74–77.
Jakobielski, S. (1991). Old Dongola 1989–1990. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 2, 65–73.
Łajtar, A. (1991). Two Greek funerary stelae from Polish excavations at Old Dongola. Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 5, 157–166.
Pluskota, K. (1991). Dongola. A pottery production centre from the Early Christian Period. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic and Nubian pottery: International workshop, Nieborów August 29–31, 1988, II (=National Museum in Warsaw Occasional Paper 2) (pp. 34–56). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Smith, L.M.V. (1991). Pottery from Old Dongola: technical analysis. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic and Nubian pottery: International workshop, Nieborów August 29–31, 1988, II (=National Museum in Warsaw Occasional Paper 2) (pp. 72–85). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1990). The Cathedral in Old Dongola and its antecedents (=Nubia 1; Dongola 2). Warsaw: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Godlewski, W. (1990). Old Dongola 1988–1989. House PCH.1. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 1, 14–16.
Godlewski, W. (1990). The Cruciform Church at Old Dongola (Sudan). Some comments. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic studies: Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, Warsaw, 20–25 August, 1984 (pp. 127–137). Warsaw: PWN.
Godlewski, W. (1990). The Cruciform Church site in Old Dongola. Sequence of buildings from the 6th to the 18th century. Nubica, 1/2, 511–534.
Godlewski, W. (1990). The Northern Church in Old Dongola. Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 4, 37–62.
Jakobielski, S. and Godlewski, W. (1990). Dongola 1978–1980. Études et Travaux, 14, 393–408.
Jakobielski, S. and Medeksza, S. (1990). The North-West Church at Old Dongola. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic studies: Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, Warsaw, 20–25 August, 1984 (pp. 165–174). Warsaw: PWN.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (1990). Caractéristiques du style «violet» dans le peinture à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 14, 223–237.
Martens-Czarnecka, M. (1990). Some known and some new features of Nubian painting on the murals from House “A” in Old Dongola. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic studies: Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, Warsaw, 20–25 August, 1984 (pp. 233–246). Warsaw: PWN.
Medeksza, S. (1990). Remarks on structural engineering in Nubia based upon a study on Christian houses A and B in Old Dongola. Nubica, 1–2, 77–94.
Pluskota, K. (1990). Early Christian pottery from Old Dongola. In W. Godlewski (ed.), Coptic studies: Acts of the Third International Congress of Coptic Studies, Warsaw, 20–25 August, 1984 (pp. 315–333). Warsaw: PWN.
Godlewski, W. (1989). Badania archeologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) w latach 1985–1987. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 33–34, 625–638.
Godlewski, W. (1989). Old Dongola, the House PCH.1. Nubian Letters, 13, 1–3.
Dobrowolski, J. (1988). Kościół na komie “D” w Starej Dongoli (The church on site “D” in Old Dongola). Kwartalnik Architektury i Urbanistyki: Teoria i Historia, 33(3), 217–231.
Dobrowolski, J. (1988). On the first church on Site D in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 11, 1–6.
Browne, G.M. (1987). Two Old Nubian texts from Old Dongola. Bulletin du Musee National de Varsovie, 28(3–4), 76–86.
Dobrowolski, J. (1987). On a recently discovered church in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 9, 1–6.
Godlewski, W. (1987). The Church of Stone Pavement in Old Dongola. Part II. Nubian Letters, 8, 2–6.
Godlewski, W. and Medeksza, S. (1987). The so-called Mosque Building in Old Dongola (Sudan). A structural analysis. Archéologie du Nil Moyen, 2, 185–205.
Godlewski, W. (1986). Badania archeologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) w latach 1983–1984. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 30, 359–378.
Kiss, Z. (1986). Un relief romain tardif à Dongola. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 30, 41–46.
Jakobielski, S. (1986). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1978/79–1982. In M. Krause (ed.), Nubische Studien: Tagungsakten der 5. Internationalen Konferenz der International Society for Nubian Studies, Heidelberg, 22.–25. September 1982 (pp. 299–304). Mainz am Rhein: Philipp von Zabern.
Jakobielski, S. (1986). Stara Dongola (Old Dongola). In Z. Kiss (ed.), 50 lat polskich wykopalisk w Egipcie i na Bliskim Wschodzie (pp. 91–96). Warsaw: Dom Słowa Polskiego.
Jakobielski, S. and Medeksza, S. (1985). The North-West Church in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 5, 2–3.
Godlewski, W. (1985). Some remarks on the Cruciform Church in Old Dongola (Sudan). Nubian Letters, 4, 20–22.
Godlewski, W. (1984). Polskie badania archeologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) w latach 1981–1982 (Polish excavations at Old Dongola (Sudan) in 1981–1982). Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie, 28, 465–484.
Godlewski, W. (1984). The Church of Stone Pavement in Old Dongola. Nubian Letters, 2, 11–16.
Godlewski, W. (1983). Polish excavations at Old Dongola (1980–1983). Nyame Akuma, 23, 27–28.
Jakobielski, S. (1983). Dongola. In Encyklopedia katolicka IV (pp. 114–115). Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1982). An introduction to the history of Nubian church architecture. Nubia Christiana, 1, 43–133.
Godlewski, W. (1982). Some comments on the wall painting of Christ from Old Dongola. In J.M. Plumley (ed.), Nubian studies: Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978 (pp. 95–99). Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Godlewski, W. (1982). The mosque building in Old Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (=Egyptologische uitgaven 2) (pp. 21–28). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Godlewski, W. (1982). The Throne Hall in Old Dongola (Sudan). Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik, 32, 569–574.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). A brief account on the churches at Old Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (=Egyptologische uitgaven 2). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). A rock-cut tomb in el-Ghaddar. In N.B. Millet and A.L. Kelley (eds), Meroitic studies: Proceedings of the Third International Meroitic Conference, Toronto, 1977 (=Meroitica 6) (pp. 175–177). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag.
Jakobielski, S. (1982). Polish excavations at Old Dongola in 1976 and 1978. In J.M. Plumley (ed.), Nubian studies: Proceedings of the Symposium for Nubian Studies, Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978 (pp. 116–126). Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
Promińska, E. (1982). Changements pathologiques des squelettes découverts dans les églises de Dongola. In P. van Moorsel (ed.), New discoveries in Nubia: Proceedings of the Colloquium on Nubian studies, the Hague, 1979 (pp. 111–112). Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.
Godlewski, W. (1981). Throne Hall at Old Dongola (the Sudan). Africana Bulletin, 30, 39–51.
Jakobielski, S. and Godlewski, W. (1981). Od Faras do Dongoli (From Faras to Dongola). Meander, 36(6), 351–355.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1980). New outline of the history of Nubian church architecture. Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 55(1), 137–160.
Promińska, E. (1980). Changements pathologiques des squelettes découverts dans les églises de Dongola. Antropologia Contemporanea, 3, 153–156.
Godlewski, W. (1979). Le baptistère de l’église au dallage de pierre à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 11, 139–150.
Godlewski, W. (1979). Les baptistères nubiens (=Faras 6). Warsaw: Éditions scientifiques de Pologne.
Jakobielski, S. (1979). Dongola 1976. Études et Travaux, 11, 229–244.
Promińska, E. (1979). Human skeletal remains from the Church of the Granite Columns and the Cruciform Church at Old Dongola. Études et Travaux, 11, 151–178.
Dzierżykray-Rogalski, T. and Promińska, E. (1978). Tombeaux de deux dignitaires chrétiens dans l’eglise cruciforme de Dongola. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 91–94). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Godlewski, W. (1978). Le baptistère de la Vieille Eglise à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 10, 363–374.
Jakobielski, S. (1978). Dongola 1974. Études et Travaux, 10, 407–416.
Jakobielski, S. (1978). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1973 and 1974 seasons. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 129–140). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Promińska, E. (1978). Les ossements des tombes des églises de Dongola. In Études nubiennes: colloque de Chantilly, 2–6 juillet 1975 (pp. 243–246). Cairo: Institut français d’archéologie orientale.
Promińska, E. (1976). Badania antropologiczne w Starej Dongoli (Sudan) (Anthropological investigations in Old Dongola (Sudan)). In A. Malinowski (ed.), Badania populacji ludzkich na materiałach współczesnych i historycznych: materiały z naukowej sesji antropologicznej w dniu 17 X 1975 (pp. 179–182). Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza.
Dzierżykray-Rogalski, T. and Jakobielski, S. (1975). La tombe de l’Eparque Yoannès dans l’Église à Colonnes en Granit de Dongola (Soudan). In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 44–48). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Gartkiewicz, P.M. (1975). The central plan in Nubian church architecture. In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 49–64). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Jakobielski, S. (1975). Polish excavations at Old Dongola, 1970–1972. In K. Michałowski (ed.), Nubia: récentes recherches. Actes du Colloque nubiologique international au Musée national de Varsovie 19–22 Juin 1972 (pp. 70–75). Warsaw: National Museum in Warsaw.
Kołodziejczyk, K. (1975). Remarks on the stamped Dongola ware from Faras. Études et Travaux, 8, 315–321.
Zagrodzki, T. (1975). Principes mathématiques du plan des deux églises découvertes en 1968, 1971 et 1972 à Dongola. Études et Travaux, 8, 301–313.
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1. Interior of the Cruciform Church / Budowla Krzyżowa, wnętrze (fot. W. Godlewski, D. Zielińska, C. Calaforra-Rzepka)
2. Interior of the crypt of Archbishop Georgios / Krypta arcybiskupa Georgiosa, wnętrze (fot. C. Calaforra-Rzepka)
3. Royal complex: Palace of Ioannes I, Commemorative Building (a monument for the defenders of Dongola), Church of Archangel Raphael (plan) / Kompleks królewski: Pałac Ioannesa I, Pomnik obrońców Dongoli, Kościół archanioła Rafaela (plan)
4. Archangel, Central Building, 6th/7th century / Archanioł, Budowla Centralna, VI/VII wiek (fot. W. Godlewski)
5. Christ treading on the lion, dragon and snake, 7th/8th century / Chrystus depczący lwa, smoka i węża VII/VIII w. (fot. W. Godlewski, opracowanie D. Zielińska)
6. Archangel Michael crowned by the Makurite Trinity, 11th century / Wywyższenie Archanioła Michała przez Trójcę Makurycką, XI wiek (fot. D. Zielińska)
7. Dance scene, fragment, 14th century / Scena tańca, fragment, XIV wiek (fot. D. Zielińska)
8. Dongolan bowl, 8th century / Waza dongolańska, VIII wiek (fot. W. Godlewski)
9. Citadel and the surrounding area with the mosque (the Throne Hall until 1317) / Cytadela i teren przylegający z meczetem, który przed 1317 r. był salą tronową (fot. S. Lenarczyk)
10. Great Monastery of St Anthony / Wielki Klasztor Antoniego (fot. S. Lenarczyk)
3D visualisation of the newly discovered complex / Wizualizacja 3D nowo odkrytego kompleksu (PCMA UW/A. Wujec)
Stara Dongola – Wywyższenie Archanioła Michała przez Trójcę Makurycka; fragment rekonstrukcji 3D (www.virtualnubia.uw.edu.pl)
Stara Dongola – krypta arcybiskupa Georgiosa z tekstami greckimi, koptyjskimi i staronubijskimi na ścianach; fragment rekonstrukcji 3D (www.virtualnubia.uw.edu.pl)
Dr. Obłuski and Ms Garelnabi present representatives of the Embassy of the State of Qatar with a painting of Old Dongola / Dr Obłuski i Pani Garelnabi wręczają przedstawicielom Ambasady Państwa Katar obraz przedstawiający widok Starej Dongoli (fot. K. Szczęsny)
Works in the apse / Prace archeologiczne i konserwatorskie w absydzie (photo PCMA UW/A. Chlebowski)
Conservator at work in the newly discovered apse / Konserwator przy pracy w absydzie (photo PCMA UW/M. Rekłajtis)
Documentation work on the apse / Prace dokumentacyjne w absydzie (photo PCMA UW/M. Rekłajtis)
Test trench in the apse / Wykop sondażowy w absydzie (photo PCMA UW/A. Chlebowski)
Domestic compound from 17th century built on top the Makurian church / Zabudowa mieszkalna z XVII wieku przykrywająca pozostałości kościoła (photo PCMA UW/A. Chlebowski)
Wizerunek tancerza ze ściany klasztoru w Starej Dongoli. Fot. A. Szulc-Kajak
Plan działania na rzecz dziedzictwa i zrównoważonego rozwoju został omówiony z przedstawicielami społeczności Starej Dongoli, fot. M. Rekłajtis // Heritage and Sustainable Development action plan was discussed with stakeholders and communities of Old Dongola, photo M. Rekłajtis
Dr Agata Deptuła opowiada o wykopaliskach w Dongoli najmłodszym mieszkańcom Al-Ghaddar (Fot. M. Rekłajtis)
Wykład na temat badań w Dongoli (Fot. M. Rekłajtis)
Dr Dorota Dzierzbicka prezentuje stanowisko w Dongoli (fot. M. Mackiewicz)
Dr Dorota Dzierzbicka prezentuje stanowisko w Dongoli (fot. M. Mackiewicz)
Dr Dorota Dzierzbicka prezentuje stanowisko w Dongoli (fot. M. Mackiewicz)
Mieszkańcy okolicznych miejscowości zmierzający na Dzień Otwarty w Dongoli (Fot. M. Rekłajtis)