“From Faras to Soba” – new book in Open Access

A richly illustrated album presenting the history and results of 60 years of Polish archaeological work in Sudan has been released online in open access. The volume showcases the achievements of Polish Nubiology: the discoveries made by archaeologists, the research of specialists from a variety of sciences, the restoration projects undertaken by art restorers and conservators.

The title “From Faras to Soba” refers to two capital cities of medieval Nubia. Faras is almost 1400 km down river from Soba, going by the Nile. The two sites are also at two ends of a time spectrum: 60 years ago, in Faras in 1961, Kazimierz Michałowski and the Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo led the first Polish excavations in Sudan. Today, Soba is one of the newest archaeological projects run by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw.

The book presents the work of more than 20 archaeological projects from several Polish research institutions studying dozens of archaeological sites. The texts are authored both by expedition directors and specialists in various fields affiliated with the projects.

From Faras to Soba. 60 years of Sudanese-Polish cooperation in saving the heritage of Sudan / From Faras to Soba. 60 years of Sudanese-Polish cooperation in saving the heritage of Sudan, edited by Henryk Paner, Artur Obłuski, Mahmoud El-Tayeb, PCMA UW, 2022


More information about the book and a file for download can be found here (link).

The album accompanies an exhibition with the same title (link), organized on the occasion of the 15th International Nubian Conference (link).