
  • A National Science Center grant for Artur Obłuski

    The Polish National Science Center awarded a Sonata Bis 11 grant to the project of Assist. Prof. Artur Obluski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. The Sonata Bis projects are aimed at establishing a new research team. The project is entitled “Kyriakós oíkos? A diachronic conceptualization of space and function in […]

  • Kudos for Dr. Mariusz Gwiazda

    Dr. Mariusz Gwiazda of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology UW has received funding from two institutions: Dumbarton Oaks (Harvard University) and the University of Warsaw’s Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations (CRAC). Dr. Gwiazda’ Dumbarton Oaks two-month summer fellowship will be based in Washington and is planned for June 2022. As part of his […]

  • Order of Polonia Restituta for Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka

    Congratulations to Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, visiting professor at PCMA UW, on receiving the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta. She was honoured for developing Polish-Cypriot scientific cooperation in the field of archaeology and for creating a positive image of Poland in the world. The distinctions were awarded to a group of Polish archaeologists […]

  • Piotr Zakrzewski defends his PhD

    We are pleased to announce that the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Piotr Zakrzewski of the PCMA UW, took place on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. The dissertation topic is “Munitiones castrorum. Fortifications of the Roman legionary camp in Novae of the principate period (1st-3rd century AD). The dissertation presents all documented elements of […]

  • Ifao-PCMA UW Fellowship awarded to Dr. Fatma Keshk

    For the fourth time, PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo and Institut français d’archéologie orientale awarded their joint Post-Doctoral Fellowship. The new Fellow is Dr. Fatma Keshk who will organize an interdisciplinary conference on houses and domestic life in ancient Egypt and Sudan. Dr. Keshk, who is based in Cairo, is a graduate of Leiden […]

  • PCMA Scholarship in Egypt – additional recruitment

    Due to the release of several places for PCMA Scholarship in Egypt (Stypendium CAŚ), we announce an additional call for the current academic year (until the end of 2022). The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) offers scholarships for scientists wishing to conduct research in Egypt. The scholarships have been awarded […]

  • New National Science Centre grants for PCMA UW

    The National Science Centre has awarded funding for two new projects to be carried out at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. Dr Iwona Kozieradzka-Ogunmakin received an Opus grant for the project Life and Death in Trying Times: A Bioarchaeological Study of the Effect of Socio-political and Climatic Changes on […]

  • Benedykt Polak award for Wojciech Kołątaj

    At the Łańcut Castle a ceremony was held on 23rd October 2021 to present one of the Benedykt Polak Awards to Dr. Eng. Wojciech Kołątaj, a long-time employee of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo. The Benedykt Polak Award has been awarded annually since 2015 to two laureates, a Pole and a foreigner, […]

  • Prime Minister’s Award for Artur Obłuski

    Among this year’s laureates of the Prime Minister’s Awards is Assist. Prof. Artur Obłuski of the PCMA UW. He was distinguished in the category of “highly acclaimed scientific achievements providing the basis for habilitation degree”. The award was granted for the monograph The Monasteries and Monks of Nubia, described as “an outstanding work: the proof […]

  • National Science Centre 2021 award for Dr. Paweł Polkowski

    Dr. Paweł Polkowski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and the Archaeological Museum in Poznań received the National Science Center 2021 Award in the category of humanities, social sciences and art. The prize is awarded to young scientists for significant scientific achievements in basic research carried out in Poland and documented […]