
  • Beata Madaj (1964–2023)

    With sadness, we received the news of the passing of Beata Madaj, a long-time employee of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. She had been working at the University of Warsaw for three decades. In 2001, she transferred to the PCMA administration from the University of Warsaw Bursary. At the PCMA, she […]

  • Zsolt Kiss (1942–2023)

    We were saddened to learn of the death of Prof. Zsolt Kiss. As a graduate of Mediterranean archaeology at the University of Warsaw, he was a student of Prof. Kazimierz Michałowski. His scientific interests focused mainly on the iconography of the Greco-Roman period in Egypt. He pursued them during his many years of work at […]

  • Karol Piasecki (1952–2023)

    With the passing of Prof. Karol Piasecki, the archaeological community has lost an outstanding personality and a versatile scholar working in physical and historical anthropology and American studies, but also a skilled ornithologist and local guide. Piasecki graduated from the Department of Biology at the University of Warsaw but his doctoral dissertation was already devoted […]

  • In Memoriam Ragab Ahmed Yaseen

    Rais Ragab Ahmed Yaseen, a great friend and long-time collaborator of Polish archaeological expeditions working in Luxor, passed away on 25th December, 2022. Rais Ragab cooperated most closely with the PCMA UW expedition to the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari, with which he worked for more than four decades. His versatile skills and extensive […]

  • Stefan Karol Kozłowski (1938–2022)

    We were saddened to learn of the death of Prof. Stefan Karol Kozłowski, an outstanding prehistorian, author of important publications on the prehistory of Europe, but also on the Neolithic of the Near East. Between 1979 and 1990, he headed several expeditions of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw in […]

  • Edyta Klimaszewska-Drabot (1976–2022)

    Edyta Klimaszewska-Drabot, a graduate of archaeology at the University of Warsaw and member of PCMA UW  expeditions  in Egypt and Sudan from 1998 to 2009, has passed away. She first took part in fieldwork in Sudan already during her studies, working with the Southern Dongola Reach Survey project, and then on surveys and excavations in […]

  • Jerzy Trzciński (1959–2022)

    Dr. Jerzy Trzciński, a geoarchaeologist from the University of Warsaw and a participant of research projects of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, died suddenly at the age of 62. He worked with PCMA UW expeditions in Egypt: Sakkara (2010-2015), Berenike (2012, 2013) and Tell el-Retaba (2016). He co-authored articles on the results of geoarchaeological, […]

  • Andrzej Reiche (1951–2022)

    We were saddened to hear the news of the death of Andrzej Reiche, an archaeologist specializing in the Near East and curator emeritus of the collection of ancient Near Eastern art at the National Museum in Warsaw. In over four decades of his archaeological work, he took part in excavations at most of the sites […]

  • Aleksandra Majewska (1943–2022)

    We have received the sad news of the death of Aleksandra Majewska, the retired curator of the Egyptian Collection in the Gallery of Ancient Art at the National Museum in Warsaw. She collaborated with the Polish Centre for Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw on many occassions and took part in excavations at the […]

  • Zbigniew Godziejewski (1951–2022)

    The sudden passing of Zbigniew Godziejewski, a conservator and long-term participant of PCMA UW fieldwork, is an irreparable loss for his friends and colleagues from the expeditions of which he was an indispensable part. Zbigniew Godziejewski worked with us for over 30 years, beginning in the early 1990s when he participated in excavations at Palmyra. […]

  • Romuald Schild (1936–2021)

    With deep sorrow we received the news of the death of Prof. Romuald Schild, an excellent archaeologist, long-time director of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Professor Schild passed away on 23 November 2021. Professor Schild’s research on the prehistory of North-Eastern Africa is an enormous and invaluable contribution […]