
  • PCMA Seminar: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) in archaeology and geology

    During the upcoming PCMA seminar, Dr. Zuzanna Kabacińska (Geochronology Research Unit, Institute of Geology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland) will deliver a presentation: “Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) in archaeology and geology: principles and applications. Perspectives of EPR dating of lime mortars”. Abstract: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), also known as Electron Spin Resonance  (ESR), belongs to the […]

  • Call for submissions: Chrysomallos V conference

    The call for submissions has opened for the fifth installment of the academic conference “Chrysomallos: Polish Archaeologists on the Black Sea and in the Caucasus.” The conference will take place on April 24th, 2024, in a stationary mode. The conference is organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, UW and the Faculty of Archaeology, UW. […]

  • Exploring Egypt Seminar: “Calligraphers and Patrons in Mamluk Cairo” at PCMA Research Centre in Cairo

    The next session of the Exploring Egypt Seminar is scheduled for February 18th at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo. The seminars are co-organized by Ifao, DAIK, CAI, NVIC and the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo.  The series explores various aspects of producing historical knowledge on Egypt, focusing on how Egypt’s history has been written, narrated, […]

  • PCMA Seminar: Pots and temples

    During the next meeting of “Pot Talks” series we will host Jiří Honzl (Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures) with a presentation: “Pots and temples: Meroitic ceramics as cultic equipment and other pottery appearing in non-funerary ritual contexts at Wad Ben Naga”. Abstract: Recent excavations of the so-called Isis Temple (WBN 300) at Wad Ben […]

  • The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology begins its second research project in Armenia

    The Polish-Armenian Archaeological Expedition has completed its first season of research at the site of Argishtikhinili. This city, dating to the first half of the 1st millennium BCE, is notable for the cuneiform inscriptions of Urartian kings, monumental defensive architecture, and grand residences of the Urartian elite. The settlement was founded on the summit of […]

  • PCMA Seminar: Exploring an old transhumance route in Northern Colchis

    The upcoming PCMA seminar will feature the research of Prof. Annegret Plontke-Luening and Dr. Frank Schleicher (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Department of Ancient History). They will deliver a presentation: “Exploring an Ancient Transhumance Route in Northern Colchis.” Abstract: For several years, we have been investigating two ancient/medieval fortresses near the village of Lesale in the Tsalenjikha […]

  • Exploring Egypt Seminar: Printing Egyptology in Arabic in 19th Century Egypt

    We are pleased to invite you to the 8th session of the Exploring Egypt: Histories and Historiographies seminar series, a collaborative initiative organized by Ifao and DAIK, now joined by CAI, PCMA, and NVIC. The seminar, titled Printing Egyptology in Arabic in 19th Century Egypt, will be presented by Ahmed Mansour and Fatma Keshk. Abstract: […]

  • Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies

    In 2025, the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Research Centre in Cairo joined an ongoing collaboration between the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Ifao) and the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAIK), to co-organize the seminar series “Exploring Egypt: Histories and Historiographies. This collaboration also welcomed the participation of the Centro Archeologico Italiano (CAI), and the […]

  • PCMA UW celebrates 60 years of research in Cyprus

    In 2025, we celebrate the 60th anniversary of archaeological research conducted by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) at Nea Paphos, Cyprus. To mark this occasion, a series of scholarly and outreach events will be organized, including an international conference dedicated to Nea Paphos and an exhibition showcasing […]

  • PCMA Seminar: Renewed Excavations at Argishtikhinili

    During the upcoming PCMA seminar, Mateusz Iskra (PCMA UW) and Hasmik Simonyan (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia/ „Service For The Protection Of Historical Environment and Cultural Museum-reservations”) will deliver a presentation: Renewed Excavations at Argishtikhinili: Results of the First Season of the Armenian-Polish Archaeological Expedition. Abstract: In October 2024, […]

  • Season’s Greetings

    May this special Holiday Season bring you moments of rest, joy among loved ones, and inspiration for the year ahead. In the New Year 2025, we wish you unwavering curiosity in exploring the world and passion in embracing new challenges.

  • Seven new departments at PCMA UW

    In December 2024, the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) underwent a structural reorganization. By decree of the PCMA UW Director, seven new departments have been established. In the term 2024–2028, the newly appointed department heads will be: Department of African Studies – Head: Dr. Maciej Wyżgoł Department of Conservation and […]