Publications of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw:
- monographs of the results of excavation and restoration work carried out by the PCMA UW; publishing series: PAM Monograph Series, PCMA Excavation Series, and Studia Palmyreńskie (previously a journal)
- occasional scientific publications
- popular science publications
- journal Polish Archeology in the Mediterranean
PCMA UW publishes books in cooperation with the University of Warsaw Press, Peeters Publishers and Brepols Publishers.
Head of PCMA UW Publications
Dorota Dzierzbicka, PhD
PAM Secretary & peer-review process
Agata Czamara, PhD
Studia Palmyreńskie series editor
Dr. hab. Grzegorz Majcherek
Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean Chief Editor
Dorota Dzierzbicka, PhD
Language editors
Ewa Balcerzyk, MA (English), Katarzyna Bartkiewicz, MA (French), Agata Czamara, PhD (English)
Bibliographic editor
Aleksandra Zych, MA
Technical, graphics and production team
Konrad Krajewski
Regular collaborators: Ewa Czyżewska-Zalewska, Jan Kurzawa, Marta Momot, Malwina Piorun, Marek Puszkarski, Teresa Witkowska
Publications archiving
Ewa Czyżewska-Zalewska, MA
Library exchange and distribution
Agnieszka Pieńkowska, PhD
15/17 Tyniecka st, 02-630 Warsaw
ph (+48) 22 55 31 310
e-mail: pam.pcma(at)