PAM Editorial Team

PAM Chief Editor

Dorota Dzierzbicka, PhD,  Poland, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
e-mail: d.dzierzbicka(at)

PAM Editors & peer-review process managers

Dr. Agata Czamara
Dr. Mariusz Drzewiecki

contact: pam.pcma(at)

Guest Editors of past volumes

Prof. Laurent Chrzanovski, Romania, “Lucian Blaga” State University of Sibiu (2019),,
Dr. Patryk Chudzik, Poland, PCMA UW (2018),,
Prof. Michał Gawlikowski, Poland, University of Warsaw, emeritus (2020),
Dr. Amir Golani, Israel, Israel Antiquities Authority (2014),
Dr. Mariusz Gwiazda, Poland, PCMA UW (2023),
Dr. Joan Oller Guzmán, Spain, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (2020),
Prof. Alessandro Poggio, Italy, Scuola IMT Alti Studi Lucca (2023),
Dr. Zbigniew Szafrański, Poland, PCMA UW (2015, 2018),
Dr. Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino, Poland, Faculty of Archaeology UW (2023),,
Dr. Zuzanna Wygnańska, Poland, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences (2014),

Consultant Editors

Classical Greek, Roman, and related epigraphic issues:
Prof. Adam Łajtar, Poland, Faculty of Archaeology University of Warsaw,
Glass studies:
Renata Kucharczyk, Poland, PCMA UW,
Gulf and Arabian prehistory:

Dr. Zuzanna Wygnańska, Poland, Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences,
Lychnological studies:
Prof. Laurent Chrzanovski, Romania, “Lucian Blaga” State University of Sibiu,
Nubian studies:
Prof. Mahmoud El-Tayeb, Poland, PCMA UW,
Pottery studies:
Prof. Grzegorz Majcherek, Poland, PCMA UW,
Dr. Urszula Wicenciak-Núñez, Poland, PCMA UW,

Historical Editors

Prof. Wiktor Andrzej Daszewski, Poland, University of Warsaw (PAM vols 1–18)
Prof. Michał Gawlikowski, Poland, University of Warsaw (PAM vols 1–18)
Iwona Zych, Poland, University of Warsaw (PAM vols 19–31)

Bibliographic Editor

Aleksandra Zych

Language copyeditors

English: Ewa Balcerzyk, Agata Czamara, Jennifer Moore-Tymowska
French: Katarzyna Bartkiewicz


Layout and DTP: Konrad Krajewski
Layout and digital processing assistance: Marta Momot
PAM design (2018): Jan Kurzawa


Agata Czamara, Aleksandra Zych, Jennifer Moore-Tymowska

PAM Website

Agnieszka Szymczak, PCMA UW
e-mail: agnieszka.szymczak(at)

Library exchange and distribution

Dr Agnieszka Pieńkowska
e-mail: pam.pcma(at)
ph (+48) 22 55 313 28

Contact to the Editors:

69 Prosta st, 00-838 Warsaw
6th floor
ph (+48) 22 55 31 310
e-mail: pam.pcma(at)

Contact to the Publisher:

University of Warsaw Press
5/7 Smyczkowa st, 02-678 Warsaw
e-mail: wuw(at)