
  • Fresh volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

    The latest volume of the annual of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (Research 2009) contains almost 50 articles, including 39 reports from 18 sites studied by PCMA missions in the 2009 season. The reported archaeological and conservation projects were carried out at sites in Egypt, […]

  • Oasis of the Imagination – exhibition commemorating fifty years of Polish archaeological research at Palmyra

    The exhibition presenting Polish discoveries in Palmyra, Syria, and press conference, will open at the Podchorążówka in the Royal Łazienki Park on 24 June 2010 (Thursday), at 11.00 a.m. The exhibition will be presented all summer also at the Podchorążówka building, in the Royal Łazienki Amphitheater and the roadside fence gallery in Belwederska Street.

  • 8th ICAANE Warsaw 2012

    The PCMA is one of the organizers of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), along with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation. The congress will take place in Warsaw, from April, 30 till May, 4 2012. ICAANE meetings take place […]

  • Exhibition: Ancient Marea

    Ten years of archaeological research by a joint mission from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (University of Warsaw) and the Archaeological Museum in Kraków will be represented at a photo exhibition “Ancient Marea – Polish excavations in Egypt 2000-2009”. The exhibition accompanies a conference on “The Fringes of Christianity”, to be held at the […]

  • Graves and scholars

    in Polish only: Ciągłość tradycji i przejawy obrządku pogrzebowego w badaniach archeologicznych na stanowiskach cmentarnych w Dolinie Nilu (bieżące prace Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego) sesja organizowana przez Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW w Warszawie, 21-22 listopada 2005 r. Instytut Archeologii UW ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 Sala nr 210 ————————————————– Komitet programowy: prof. dr. hab Michał Gawlikowski (Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej […]

  • The Alexandrian School. Polish research on Kom el-Dikka 1960-2011

    Exhibition mounted at the Royal Castle in Warsaw (Treasury Hall), from 28 June to 31 August 2012. The show presents the most important archaeological discoveries and the results of the comprehensive conservation effort made over the past fifty years by the team from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw. More […]

  • 70 years of Polish archaeology and restoration work in Egypt

    Anniversary celebration in Cairo Seventy years of Polish archaeological research in Egypt is hardly the kind of round anniversary that is ordinarily celebrated with jubilee events, but in this case it is closely connected with the commemoration of a man without whom there would be no such anniversaries to celebrate. It was Kazimierz Michałowski who […]

  • 100th birth anniversary of K. Michałowski

    SCHOLAR AND ERUDITE Professor Kazimierz Michałowski, scholar and erudite, recognized researcher and founder of the Polish school of Mediterranean archaeology, died 25 years ago. The anniversary of his death falls practically seventy years to the day after he opened his first excavations in Tell Edfu in Upper Egypt. That first choice of archaeological site for […]