
  • Benedykt Polak award for Wojciech Kołątaj

    At the Łańcut Castle a ceremony was held on 23rd October 2021 to present one of the Benedykt Polak Awards to Dr. Eng. Wojciech Kołątaj, a long-time employee of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo. The Benedykt Polak Award has been awarded annually since 2015 to two laureates, a Pole and a foreigner, […]

  • PCMA Seminar: Isotopes? What are they about

    The PCMA Seminar series hosted a talk by Dr. Robert Stark “Isotopes? What are they about”. It was an introductory presentation, aimed at PCMA UW staff, on the use of isotopes in bioarchaeological analyses. This presentation was intended to familiarize researchers with what isotope research entails and how this methodology can be integrated into archaeological […]

  • PCMA scholar’s seminar: Ethnic composition of temple personnel in Ptolemaic Fayum

    The PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo organised another lecture of PCMA scholarship-holders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the events remain closed to the public. Dr. Joanna Wilamowska talked about the ethnic composition of temple personnel in Ptolemaic Fayum: Abstract: “Priests occupied a privileged position in Ptolemaic Egypt. Research on this group significantly contributes to […]

  • Prime Minister’s Award for Artur Obłuski

    Among this year’s laureates of the Prime Minister’s Awards is Assist. Prof. Artur Obłuski of the PCMA UW. He was distinguished in the category of “highly acclaimed scientific achievements providing the basis for habilitation degree”. The award was granted for the monograph The Monasteries and Monks of Nubia, described as “an outstanding work: the proof […]

  • PAM Journal with a new submission system

    The annual Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean is now using an Open Journal System to manage article submissions. Papers can be submitted on a continuous basis. PAM’s OJS is available at Articles meeting standards set out in the PAM guidelines for manuscripts and illustrative materials can now be submitted directly (see Instructions for PAM […]

  • Ryszard Sobolewski (1937-2021)

    We were saddened to learn of the death of Ryszard Sobolewski, an architect who worked at our Research Centre in Cairo and participated in many research projects in Africa and the Middle East. Ryszard Sobolewski worked as an architect at the Research Centre in Cairo in the first half of the 1970s. At that time, […]

  • Job offer – collaborative archaeology

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology is currently seeking a person to assist in implementing “collaborative archaeology”. The selected person will be an assistant to Dr Tomomi Fushiya, who is responsible at PCMA UW for developing and implementing collaborative programmes with local communities in the PCMA’s research countries. The cooperation will concern programmes for Lebanon […]

  • PCMA Seminar: recording of Rosemarie Klemm’s lecture available online

    A recording of Rosemarie Klemm’s lecture: “Ancient Gold Mining in the Eastern Deserts of Egypt and Nubia/Sudan”, presented at a PCMA Seminar, is now available on the PCMA UW channel on YouTube. For many years, Rosemarie and Dietrich Klemm explored over 200 previously unknown gold deposits in extensive field expeditions, both geologically and archaeologically, and […]

  • First visit of Polish President at the site of PCMA UW excavations

    During his official visit to Cyprus, President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda and his wife visited the archaeological site of Nea Paphos, where Polish archaeological are underway. The ancient city has been studied by Polish archaeologists for over half a century. The Presidential Couple and their delegation were shown around the archaeological site […]

  • Establishment of PCMA UW Research Centre in Cyprus

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw will set up a research centre in Paphos, Cyprus, where PCMA UW expeditions have been working for over half a century. The first Polish archaeologists appeared in Cyprus over half a century ago, with the doyen of Polish Mediterranean archaeology, Professor Kazimierz Michałowski. Since 1965, a […]

  • National Science Centre 2021 award for Dr. Paweł Polkowski

    Dr. Paweł Polkowski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and the Archaeological Museum in Poznań received the National Science Center 2021 Award in the category of humanities, social sciences and art. The prize is awarded to young scientists for significant scientific achievements in basic research carried out in Poland and documented […]

  • Guest lectures on bioarchaeology in Nubia

    Dr. Michele Buzon of Purdue University will present two talks at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, focusing on bioarchaeology in Nubia and the use of stable isotopes to trace mobility in the past. Dr. Buzon is collaborating with Dr. Robert Stark of the PCMA UW on an isotope project involving the site of […]