
  • Conference “Stone Canvas”: report and photos

    PCMA Research Centre in Cairo and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) co-organized an international conference “Stone canvas: towards a better integration of ‘rock art’ and ‘graffiti’ studies in Egypt and Sudan” . The conference finished on 12th of November at the IFAO. Twenty-nine talks, covering the subject of rock art and graffiti from various periods […]

  • Conference “Stone Canvas”: keynote lecture by Prof. John C. Darnell

    The organizers of the “Stone Canvas” conference have the pleasure of announcing a keynote lecture accompanying the conference: “Stone Canvases, Rock Palettes, and the Minds of the Ancient Egyptians” by Prof. John C. Darnell (Yale University). Abstract: For over a quarter of a century, the work of the Theban Desert Road Survey and the Elkab […]

  • Conference “Stone Canvas” in Cairo – programme

    PCMA Research Centre in Cairo and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) have the pleasure of inviting to the international conference STONE CANVAS: TOWARDS A BETTER INTEGRATION OF ‘ROCK ART’
 AND ‘GRAFFITI’ STUDIES IN EGYPT AND SUDAN. It will be held in Cairo on 10th–12th November 2019. The IFAO and the PCMA are organising a joint […]

  • Workshop: ERC Starting Grant UMMA

    Team of ERC Starting Grant „UMMA – Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city”  holds a workshop to summarize the results of the first fieldwork season. In the 2018–2019 season, PCMA UW mission spent four months at Old Dongola. The primary focus of their fieldwork was on localizing and investigating the […]

  • Guest lecture: Spanish archaeological activities in Tyre

    The organizers of the  “Poles in the Near East” archaeological conference have the pleasure of announcing a guest lecture accompanying the conference. Dr Francisco J. Núñez will present the results of over 20 years of excavations in Tyre, Lebanon. Dr Núñez specializes in the study of Levantine pottery from the Iron and late Bronze Age. […]

  • Conference “Stone Canvas”

    PCMA Research Centre in Cairo and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) are co-organizing an international conference Stone canvas: towards a better integration of ‘rockart’ and ‘graffiti’ studies in Egypt and Sudan. Terminology, approaches, and research issues. It is scheduled to take place in Cairo on 10th–11th November 2019. The call for contributions is now open. […]

  • Annual Archaeobotany in Egypt Meeting

    The PCMA Research Centre in Cairo and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) are co-organizing the second scientific meeting on archaeobotanical research in Egypt. The meeting will gather archaeobotanists and specialists in similar disciplines who work in Egypt. They will convene in the PCMA Research Centre in Cairo on 26th September 2018. The program includes presentations […]

  • Workshop on pottery from the Bayuda desert

    An international workshop on the pottery from the Bayuda desert in Sudan will take place in Gdańsk this July. The event is organized by the Gdańsk Archaeological Museum, the Heritage Protection Fund and the PCMA Polish Archaeological Unit in Khartoum.  The three-day workshop will focus on presentations of actual ceramic materials and discussions of their chronology, […]

  • Conference: Poles on the Nile, season 2017/18

    The annual conference „Poles on the Nile”, will be held at the University of Warsaw on 11–13 June 2018. As usual, it will be co-organized by the Department of the Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Regist Most of the […]

  • Conference: Poles in the Near East, 2018

    For the third time we would like to invite scholars involved in Polish archaeological and related projects in the Near East to take part in the annual conference “Poles in the Near East”. This year’s edition will take place on 8th and 9th of June. The event is co-organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean […]