
Author Archives

  • Special awards for Polish archaeologists and institutions working in Sudan

    The PCMA is proud to have been honored with a special award at a ceremony commemorating 50 years of Sudanese-Polish cooperation in the field of archaeology. Other awarded institutions were the Institute of Archeology of the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Embassy of […]

  • Exhibition: Ancient Marea

    Ten years of archaeological research by a joint mission from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (University of Warsaw) and the Archaeological Museum in Kraków will be represented at a photo exhibition “Ancient Marea – Polish excavations in Egypt 2000-2009”. The exhibition accompanies a conference on “The Fringes of Christianity”, to be held at the […]

  • A “Pearl” for Prof. Karol Myśliwiec

    On 19 November 2010 Prof. Karol Myśliwiec received a honorary “PEARL” in the field of science, awarded in the eight edition of the “Pearls of Business” Awards organized by “Polish Market”, a Polish business periodical. The distinction is awarded for distinguished achievement in shaping Poland’s image abroad, taking into consideration ethical as well as professional […]

  • Thank you for the 8th ICAANE

    As one of the organizers of the 8th International Congress of the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, held at the University of Warsaw from April 30 till May 4, the PCMA would like to thank all 8 ICAANE participants for their attendance, and volunteers and members of staff for their work and commitment towards […]

  • Tell Qaramel: National Geographic’s Scientific Discovery of the Year

    Excavations carried out under the auspices of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw by Prof. Dr. Ryszard F. Mazurowski from the University’s Institute of Archaeology at the prehistoric site of Tell Qaramel in Syria (10th millennium BC) have received Nnational Geographic’s Traveller 2009 Award for Scientific Discovery of the Year. […]

  • Conference Polacy nad Nilem, seasons 2011-2012

    The PCMA and the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw have the pleasure of inviting all those interested in the outcomes of recent Polish research in Egypt and Sudan to the conference Polacy nad Nilem / Poles on the Nile. Three days of presentations will take place in the Institute of Archaeology of […]

  • 8th ICAANE Warsaw 2012

    The PCMA is one of the organizers of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), along with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation. The congress will take place in Warsaw, from April, 30 till May, 4 2012. ICAANE meetings take place […]

  • Fifty Years of Cooperation between Sudan and Poland in the Field of Archaeology

    A conference commemorating 50 years of Polish-Sudanese cooperation in archaeology and preservation of Sudanese cultural heritage will take place on 27-30 April in the Sudanese National Museum in Khartoum. The PCMA has the honor on this occasion to award medals of merit to Sudanese colleagues in recognition of their contribution to the success of this […]