Author Archives

  • New regulations for the PCMA

    In June this year, new by-laws were passed, regulating the operations of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw. They were introduced by the Rector of the University of Warsaw on June 9, 2020. The regulations are adapted to the new University of Warsaw statute. The document can be found on […]

  • Małgorzata Redlak (1953–2020)

    We were grieved to receive the news of Małgorzata Redlak’s death. Małgosia was not only our friend. First of all, she was an extremely modest, warm, and cordial person, always kind and helpful. Her passion and the subject of many years of her research at Kom el-Dikka in Alexandria was Islamic pottery, to which she devoted […]

  • New grant for research on Nea Paphos

    A scientific consortium consisting of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (UJ), the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) and the Warsaw University of Technology, headed by Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka received a grant from the OPUS 18 program of the Polish National Science Center. The award-winning project is entitled MA-P […]

  • Partial opening of the PCMA UW office

    In accordance with University of Warsaw Rector’s Ordinance No. 105 of May 21, 2020, the Director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw, adopted a roster system for some PCMA UW employees, which will apply from May 25 to June 30. Non-academic staff will be present in the PCMA UW office two […]

  • Marta Mierzejewska (1984–2020)

    With shock and sorrow we have received the news of the passing of our Friend and Colleague Marta Mierzejewska. She died on Friday, May 15th. She was deeply engaged in the work of our institution. At the same time, she continued her research, which was about to result in a doctoral dissertation and lead to […]

  • PCMA–IFAO Post-Doc in Cairo – deadline extension

    The Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) extend the deadline for applications for their 16-months Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Cairo. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will organize an international two-day Seminar/Workshop on a subject in relation with Ancient and Medieval Northeastern Africa (Egypt and/or Nubia) and will […]

  • PCMA Scholarship in Egypt – deadline extension

    The deadline for applications for the PCMA Scholarships in Egypt has been extended until the 1st of July. The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) offers scholarships for scientists wishing to conduct research in Egypt. The scholarships have been awarded since the 1990s, with funds allocated by the Polish National Agency […]