Author Archives

  • PCMA Seminar: Naqlun. Old issues, new directions

    The latest in the “PCMA Seminar” series will be an online presentation of the newly resumed research project at Naqlun in Egypt. The seminar, entitled “Naqlun. Old issues, new directions” will be hosted by Dr. Robert Mahler (PCMA UW, expedition director), with Magdalena Skarżyńska (PCMA UW, conservator) and Joanna Wysocka (PhD student at the Institute […]

  • PCMA scholar’s seminar: Construction of manhood and the institution of yilunta

    The PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo holds another seminar for the presentation of projects of the holders of PCMA scholarship (Stypendium CAŚ). The forthcoming presentation by Zuzanna Augustyniak is “Being good at being man – construction of manhood and the institution of yilunta“. Abstract: Yilunta is one of the cultural mechanisms of social control […]

  • PCMA Scholarship 2021/2022 for research in Egypt

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw is opening recruitment for PCMA scholarships in Egypt for the academic year of 2021/2022. The scholarships are financed by the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The PCMA scholarship (Stypendium CAŚ) is intended for students or graduates of Polish universities (regardless of citizenship) who […]

  • Workshop on funerary textiles

    Program of the interdisciplinary workshop “Funerary Textiles. Towards a better method for in situ study, retrieval and conservation” has now been announced. The event will take place on-line on 15th and 16th April 2021 and registration of participants is now open. Textiles have always played a prominent role in death. They were and continue to […]

  • IDUB grant for an open access publication

    A grant from the University of Warsaw program “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) has been awarded to Piotr Zakrzewski (PCMA UW) for financing Open Access to his article in the “Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports”. These grants are awarded for supporting publications in the open access model by University of Warsaw scholars and doctoral […]

  • Exhibition: From Memphis to Thebes. Treasures of ancient Egyptian capitals

    Photos by Maciej Jawornicki with commentaries by Dr. Patryk Chudzik are presented at the online exhibition “From Memphis to Thebes. Treasures of ancient Egyptian capitals through the lens of Maciej Jawornicki”. It has been organized by the Commune Center for Culture and Sports in Nowogrodziec in cooperation with PCMA UW. Maciej Jawornicki has been cooperating […]

  • Conference – Meeting the Other: Transfers and cultural interactions around the Nile Valley

    The Institut français d’archéologie orientale and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw are jointly organizing an international conference entitled: Meeting the Other: Transfers and cultural interactions around the Nile Valley. The conference will take place in Cairo, in a hybrid format from Saturday, 27th to Wednesday, 31th March 2021. The event has […]

  • Conference: “Poles in the Near East” – 2nd circular and deadline extention

    In the 2nd circular of the “Poles in the Near East” archaeological conference (June 9-11, 2021) the organizers are still calling for papers to be submitted to the main sessions. We would also like to announce the subjects of the discussion panels. The deadline for submissions has been extended to May 10. Since its establishment […]

  • Budynek CAŚ Prosta 69

    Remote work at the PCMA office

    From March 22, work of the office of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archeology of the University of Warsaw will be limited to the necessary minimum. Remote work will continue, with just the necessary administrative staff taking rota at the office on designated days. Until April 4, all academic staff will work remotely. The administration […]

  • Katarzyna Radziwiłko defended her doctoral thesis

    We are pleased to inform you that our colleague, Katarzyna Radziwiłko defended her doctoral dissertation on 18th March 2021. The defence took place at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and was conducted online. The subject of Katarzyna Radziwiłko’s doctoral dissertation is: “Theoretical and practical aspects of popularizing archaeological […]