Studia Palmyreńskie
A book series (journal from 1966 till 2013) presenting the archaeology of Palmyra, the city and the region. It is open to all specialists interested in Palmyrean issues, covering a broad range of themes concerning all aspects of Palmyra’s civilization, from the earliest period through Arab times. The scope of the series covers not only archaeological discoveries, but also the history of Palmyra, its religion, art and epigraphy.
- Monographic series: Studia Palmyreńskie (since 2014)
Publisher: Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw (PCMA UW), University of Warsaw Press
Discipline: Archaeology, conservation and related
Series editor: Michał Gawlikowski
Managing editor: Grzegorz Majcherek
- (1966–2013) Journal: Studia Palmyreńskie
ISSN 0081-6787
– University of Warsaw Press and Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (since volume XI)
– Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (volumes IX and X)
– University of Warsaw Press (volumes I–VIII)
Discipline: Archaeology, conservation and related
Editor in Chief: Michał Gawlikowski
Contact to the editors:
Publishing section
Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
69 Prosta st, 00-838 Warsaw
6th floor, room 13
ph (+48) 22 55 31 310
e-mail: pam.pcma(at)uw.edu.pl
Managing editor, Dr. Grzegorz Majcherek:
e-mail: g.majcherek(at)uw.edu.pl