Digital partnership with ASOR LCP database

The collaboration launched between PAM and the ASOR Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP) database offers a unique opportunity to create connections between ceramics catalogues or syntheses published in a traditional journal and a digital space dedicated to pottery research. The LCP database permits researchers to go beyond the limited scope and closed format of a publication and increase the potential of research on pottery by including additional material in digital form. In addition, LCP allows for easy, time-stamped updates and amendments and constitutes a dynamic space for discussion.

The Authors benefit from the additional digital space provided by the LCP for including supplementary, detailed descriptions and illustration material. The Readers are able to easily access the additional information provided in the database. The Users of the LCP database can easily access both the online material and the published content.

The PAM journal, being completely Open-Access and available free online, is particularly well suited for such a form of digital partnership. As a Scopus-indexed journal, it guarantees both quality and visibility of the presented scholarship to the academic community.

PAM encourages authors to upload materials to the LCP and to cross-reference the database entries and the published content. As a result, an LCP citation with the Author’s name will appear in the journal and, conversely, a reference to the article will appear in LCP.

The LCP reference is, in essence, an ID number with a stable link leading to a page in the database. Authors of papers devoted to ceramics are encouraged to cite LCP entries by adding ID numbers in parentheses with hyperlinks to the stable URLs of database entries, e.g., Southern Phoenician Persian-Hellenistic Sandy Cooking Ware (LCP Ware ID28). Inclusion of such short IDs permits to keep the flow of the article without cluttering it with long hyperlink strings while maintaining links to the database content.

PAM publishes the live LCP links only in the Open Access version, and the authors must submit materials to the LCP before submitting their manuscript to PAM, so the link can be included.

The reference should be included in the References list in the following format:

LCP Ware ID28. Monnickendam-Givon, B., Berlin, A.M., Stone, P.J., and Shapiro, A. (2023). Southern Phoenician Persian-Hellenistic Sandy Cooking Ware. The Levantine Ceramics Project. (accessed 08.05.2023)

Visit the ASOR Levantine Ceramics Project website (link).

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