Artur Obłuski appointed as associate professor

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Artur Obłuski, director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology UW, has been appointed associate professor by the University Senate’s resolution of June 29, 2023.

Prof. Artur Obłuski, PhD, has been the director of the PCMA UW since 2020, having served as acting director for the previous two years. From 2015 till 2020, he headed the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo. He is the head of the PCMA UW expeditions in Old Dongola and Ghazali in Sudan. He has received two European Research Council grants for research and conservation at Old Dongola, as well as grants from the National Science Center and the ALIPH Foundation.

His research interests focus on medieval Nubia, particularly Nubian monasticism, and the functioning and planning of ancient and medieval urban centers.

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