PCMA UW statement on the conflict in Sudan

Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology University of Warsaw is observing the situation related to the crisis in Sudan with great concern.

While the fighting is escalating, PCMA UW stands in solidarity with the population of Sudan – a country with which it has been associated since the 1960s, when the first Polish archaeological research in this country began. A crucial result of the long-lasting research was the establishment of a cordial relationship between scientists from PCMA UW and our Sudanese colleagues. It is with all the more regret that we observe the current situation in Sudan, as it is the civilian population that bears the brunt of the armed conflict.
In May, we managed to organize an extraction for the director of the PCMA Research Centre in Sudan. Dr. Mahmoud El-Tayeb and his family left the war-torn Khartoum and were transported safely to Poland. As far as possible, the PCMA UW has supported the Sudanese associates and their families by organizing accommodation for those in need both in Old Dongola and at the Research Centre in Cairo.

However, many Sudanese archaeologists and colleagues of Polish archaeological expeditions have remained in their homes, and in the constant turmoil, their situation is becoming more and more difficult by the day.

To help them, the PCMA UW is working with the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation, which is accepting donations to support archaeologists in areas affected by the conflict. The funds will be transferred to colleagues from the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums (NCAM) who are best placed to distribute them among those in need.
Here are the details for the transfer:

Fundacja im. Kazimierza Michałowskiego
ul. Prosta 69
00-838 Warszawa

Bank accounts:
PLN: PL10160014620006491656451001
EUR: PL24160014620006491656451040
USD: PL94160014620006491656451041
Bank: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A., ul. Kasprzaka 2, 01-211 Warszawa


In the title of the transfer, please enter: Support for archaeologists in conflict zones

The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PCMA UW) condemns the current conflict and the devastating impact it has on the Sudanese people and their cultural heritage. Armed conflicts threaten the civilian population and the irreplaceable archaeological heritage of this country, which is an essential part of the heritage of all mankind. Nothing can justify the destruction of lives and testimonies of the past by the warring parties and it must stop. We support all efforts to save lives and preserve Sudan’s heritage.