The University of Warsaw, together with the Cultural Heritage Preservation Agency of Ajara (Georgia), will organize Limes Congress 2024 in Batumi.
The Limes Congress is the largest and most prestigious scientific event dedicated to research on the borders of the Roman Empire. It has more than 70 years of tradition and bringing together researchers from around the world. The congresses are held every three years and have been attended lately by over 400 specialists studying the limes of the Imperium Romanum and the presence of the Roman army and civilians in the frontier zone.
It is a matter of tradition that the Congress can only be hosted by a country a part (or all) of which was located within the boundaries of the Roman provinces. That is why, the University of Warsaw, despite being an important center of research on the phenomenon of the Roman limes, could not have proposed to organize the conference in Poland. However, long-standing cooperation with Georgian partners has opened up the possibility of jointly promoting Batumi as the host of the Limes Congress in 2024. The decision to award Poland and Georgia the organization of the next edition of the congress was announced at the previous meeting, which ended recently in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
The organizing team, which includes University of Warsaw archaeologists Dr. Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski and Dr. Piotr Zakrzewski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, and Dr. Martin Lemke and Dr. Piotr Jaworski from the Faculty of Archaeology, along with PhD students Natalia Lockley, Maciek Czapski and Karolina Trusz, faces two years of hard work.
The 26th Limes Congress will take off in the first half of September 2024 in Batumi. Stay tuned for more news!
Wspólne zdjęcie komitetu organizacyjnego kończącego się kongresu w Holandii z grupą organizatorów przyszłego kongresu w Gruzji (Fot. S. van Efferen)
Delegacja polsko-gruzińska podczas prezentacji propozycji organizacji kolejnej edycji Limes Congress w Batumi w 2024 roku. (Fot. L. Aslanishvili)