Presentations from the conference “Poles in the Near East” 2021 available on YouTube

On the PCMA UW YouTube channel you can now see some presentations from the international panel on Cypriot archaeology which took place during this year’s “Poles in the Near East” conference.

The opening lecture was also associated with this day-long panel on research in Cyprus. It was given by Prof. John Lund and entitled Cypriots and Cypriot connectivity in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: A diachronic perspective. This lecture is also available on YouTube.

Link to PCMA UW YouTube channel: PCMA UW

Here you will find a description of the panel Between courte durée and moyenne durée. Transition in the archaeology of Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus whose organisers were Prof. Ewdoksia Papuci-Władyka, Dr. Małgorzata Kajzer, Dr. Łukasz Miszk, MA Michał Michalik:

The structuralist vision of history influenced the way in which narratives about changes in material culture were constructed. Apart from typological changes taking place in various groups of artefacts, research began to focus on a broader scale on changes occurring over longer periods of time and reflecting complex social, economic or urban processes. These processes can be observed both in slow transformations of material culture, i.e. architecture, ceramics, art, utilitarian objects, diet, etc., but also in extreme events whose traces can be observed and documented in the stratigraphy of sites, such as earthquakes or fires.
To our session, we invite researchers who would like to present the results of their studies related to the broad issue of transitional periods in the history and archaeology of Cyprus. By “transitional periods” we understand here all changes in processes noticeable, above all, in the field of material culture, concerning changes in architecture, art, economy, but also, e.g. religion. Particularly valuable will be those studies which concern the times regarded as the most “crucial” in the history of Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus – that is the period of transition from the Classical period and the formation of the Hellenistic period, the process of formation of the Middle Hellenistic period, the process of decline of the Hellenistic period and the formation of the Roman period, and finally the problem of the crisis of the 3rd century CE and the formation of the Late Roman period. Undoubtedly also of interest will be presentations criticising the hitherto discourse on transition points and the processes conditioning them. Other papers, e.g. presenting the latest research on various other aspects on Hellenistic and Roman Cyprus are also welcome.