Deir el-Bahari, Temple of Hatshepsut
Project name:
Polish-Egyptian Archaeological and Conservation Expedition to the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari
البعثة البولندية المصرية للآثار والصيانة بمعبد حتشبسوت بالدير البحرىProject logo:
Project website:
Polish-Egyptian Expedition to the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari
Type of site:
Egyptian temple
Upper Egypt
– Hatshepsut (1479–1458 BC)
– Tuthmosis III (1479–1425 BC)
– Third Intermediate Period (1070–664 BC)
– Ptolemaic period, from the reign of Ptolemy VIII Euergetes – construction of the Ptolemaic Sanctuary (170–116 BC)
– Coptic period (end of the 5th–8th century)Subprojects:
Deir El-Bahari, Polish-French Epigraphic Mission: the Hathor Project
Most interesting finds:
– platform above the third terrace which protected the temple from rocks falling from the cliff
– statue of Amenhotep I
– graves of members of royal families of the 22nd–25th dynasties (Third Intermediate Period) on the Upper Terrace
– temple of Tuthmosis III
History of research:
Dates of PCMA expedition’s work:
Type of research:
Excavations, conservation and reconstruction works, epigraphic studies
Kazimierz Michałowski (1961–1981)
Zygmunt Wysocki, director of reconstruction works (1967–1988)
Andrzej Macur (1988–1989)
Janusz Karkowski (1989–1997) (Epigraphic Mission)
Franciszek Pawlicki (1993–1999) (Conservation Mission)
Zbigniew E. Szafrański (1999–2019)
Patryk Chudzik (since 2020)
Co-operating institutions:
– Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
– Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)
– Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures, Polish Academy of Sciences
– National Museum in Warsaw
– Faculty of Architecture, Wrocław University of Science and Technology
– State Ateliers for Conservation of Cultural Property (PP PKZ)
Additional information:
Two previous expeditions working at the site, British from the Egypt Exploration Fund and American from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, reconstructed the porticoes of the first and second terrace. In numerous lapidaries, they left more than 10,000 stone blocks and their fragments to be put back in their original positions. Egyptologists and architects documented, studied, and assigned these blocks to the proper parts of the temple. This work is still on-going.
Grants and sponsors: Commercial Union, Orlen, National Science Centre grants, Dialog grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, grant of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Petrie Museum Friendship Association in London, Antiquities Endowment Found (ARCE) grant, Egyptian-Polish Businessmen Association.
Previously, the name Polish Archaeological and Conservation Mission at the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari was used for the project.
Description of the site and research:
The Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari, called the “Temple of a Million Years”, was a mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut, a pharaoh of the 18th dynasty. Built in the 15th century BC following the plans of architect Senenmut, it was mostly hewn in the rock. Three cascading terraces ending in porticoes were accessed by ramps erected on the temple’s axis. A vast courtyard closed by a stone wall surrounded the temple. A processional alley flanked by sphinxes with heads of Hatshepsut led to the entrance from the east. The walls of the temple were decorated with scenes from the queen’s life. On the southern side of the Middle Terrace, the Chapel of Hathor was erected, and on the northern, the so-called Lower Chapel of Anubis. On the Upper Terrace were located, among others, the Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re, the Royal Cult Complex, the Solar Cult Complex, and the so-called Upper Chapel of Anubis. Statues of Hatshepsut as Osiris stood against the pillars of the porticoes of the Upper Terrace.
Polish research in the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari was begun in 1961 by Prof. Kazimierz Michałowski. During excavations in 1962, the Temple of Tuthmosis III was discovered. At first, the expedition focused on reconstructing the third terrace of the Temple of Hatshepsut. Since 1967, large-scale reconstruction works have been conducted in the whole area of the temple. Also restored were statues, including the so-called Osiriacs (Hatshepsut as Osiris), e.g., nine monumental statues from the façade of the Upper Portico and the first of the sandstone sphinxes of Hatshepsut on the Lower Courtyard. The alley of sphinxes, which once ran here, was thus marked.
The Egyptological, architectural, and conservation studies resulted in the reconstruction of the Upper Festival Courtyard, the so-called Coronation Portico, and the platform of the Upper Ramp, which were opened for tourists in 2000. After reconstruction and conservation, the Solar Cult Complex and the Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re were also opened to the public (in 2015 and 2017, respectively).
Thanks to the excavations conducted in various places in the whole area of the temple, the appearance of the Upper Ramp could be reconstructed. Moreover, they resulted in the discovery of the graves of members of royal families, dating from the 22nd to the beginning of the 26th dynasty (Third Intermediate Period necropolis). The mixed fills of these graves contained more than 1,000 fragments of coffins and cartonnages, remnants of funerary equipment, Hieratic and Coptic papyri, mummy bandages, and remains of the deceased buried there. The work in the Lower Courtyard led to the discovery of, among others, the place where granite statues of Hatshepsut had been destroyed, workshops from the time of the construction of the temple, and a ramp leading to the Chapel of Hathor.
The members of the expeditions are presently conducting numerous reconstruction and conservation projects in different parts of the temple, as well as studying the epigraphic material and objects found during the excavations.
Research results:
Season by season – “PCMA Newsletter”:
- 2018/2019 season
- 2017/2018 season
- 2016/2017 season
- 2015/2016 season
- 2014/2015 season
- 2013/2014 season
- 2012/2013 season
- 2011/2012 season
- 2010/2011 season
- 2009/2010 season
- 2008/2009 season
- 2007/2008 season
- 2005/2006 season
2023-06-11 Anastasiia Stupko-Lubczynska awarded the Antiquity Prize
2023-03-10 A “Pearl of Science” for a project at the Temple of Hatshepsut
2023-02-09 Opening at the Temple of Hatshepsut in Deir el-Bahari and the Tomb of Meru in North Asasif
2020-01-28 Dr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański’s farewell party in Deir el-Bahari
2017-12-09 Deir el-Bahari: The opening of the Main Sanctuary of Amun-Re in the Temple of Hatshepsut
2016-06-02 Conference on research of the PCMA Mission in the Temple of Hatshepsut
2016-02-23 Rewards from Luxor Times Magazine for Polish missions
2015-10-19 Honorary “Bene Merito” distinction for Dr. Zbigniew E. Szafrański
2015-02-17 Solar Cult Complex in the Temple of Hatshepsut opens to the public
2024 Stupko-Lubczyńska, A. The author takes a bow: A self-portrait in assistenza in the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. Arts, 13(5), special issue: Cooney, K. & Devillers, A. (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Art Studies: Art in Motion, a Social Tool of Power and Resistance.
2024 Kapiec, K. Hidden gems – Results of archival works concerning the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. In Dogaer, L., McDonald, H. N., & Brown, S. F. (eds.), Current research in Egyptology 2023: Proceedings of the Twenty Third Annual Symposium, University of Basel, 10-14 September 2023. Oxford, (pp. 207-220).
2024 Chudzik, P. Out of respect for the royal ancestors: Middle Kingdom tomb MMA 28 and its significance for the construction history of the Hatshepsut temple at Deir el-Bahari. In Miniaci, G., Smith, A. K., & Roberts, S. J.(eds.), The sacred and secular in the Theban necropolis: Studies presented to Marilina Betro. Pisa University Press, (pp. 119-130).
2023 Chudzik, P. Clay cow figurines and their place in the votive practices of the Hathor cult in the light of new evidence from the Theban necropolis. In Miniaci, G.(eds.), Clay figurines in context: Miniatures as crucibles of Nile Valley societies in the Middle Bronze Age (Egypt and Nubia) and beyond. Pisa University Press, pp. 441-452
2023 Stupko-Lubczynska A., All Good and Pure Things on which a God Lives. Toward a Study of Intericonicity in the Chapel of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, (in): Bryan B., Dorman P. (eds.), Occassional Proceedings of the Theban Wokshop: Mural Decoration in the Theban Necropolis (Studies in Ancient Cultures 2), ISAC of the University of Chicago, 209-236 (Open Access)
Earlier bibliography can be found on the project’s website
1. Temple of Hatshepsut by night / Nocny widok świątyni Hatszepsut (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
3. Preparation for an open-air museum / Ławy ekspozycyjne planowanego Muzeum na otwartym powietrzu (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
4. The Bark Hall; vases with the name of Hatshepsut erased / Sala na Barkę; przedstawienie waz z usuniętymi imionami Hatszepsut (Fot. PCMA UW/ A. Gulijewskaja)
5. Conservation of the south wall of the Chapel of Hatshepsut / Prace konserwatorskie nad płd. ścianą Kaplicy Hatszepsut (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
6. Dismantling of the northern colossus of Hatshepsut / Demontaż północnego kolosa Hatszepsut (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
7. The southern colossus; the upper part of the statue in an early phase of reconstruction /Południowy Kolos, górna partia posągu we wstępnej fazie rekonstrukcji (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
8. Statue of Hatshepsut / Posąg Hatszepsut (Fot. PCMA UW/ M. Jawornicki)
9. Plate from the exhibition “Voices from the Nile valley – wystawa: Deir el-Bahari” / Plansza z wystawy “Głosy z Doliny Nilu”
10. Plate: complex of the Sun Cult 1 / Plansza z otwarcia kompleksu Kultu Słonecznego 1
11. Plate: complex of the Sun Cult 2 / Plansza z otwarcia kompleksu Kultu Słonecznego 2
Logo of the project / logo projektu