Ghazali (Sudan)
Dates of work: 4 – 25 January 2012
Director: Dr. Artur Obłuski (Oriental Institute, University of Chicago)
NCAM Inspector: Zaki ed-Din Mahmoud
Archaeologist/geodesist: Wiesław Małkowski (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Archaeologist/photographer: Miron Bogacki (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw)
Archaeologist: Szymon Maślak (PCMA UW)
The medieval monastery at Ghazali in Sudan was excavated in part by the Sudan Antiquities Service in 1953 and 1954, and is one of the best preserved archaeological sites in the country. A new project of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, and the National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums of Sudan revisited the ruins with a site presentation project coupled with excavation geared to bringing out a final publication of the remains, which are of utmost importance for studies of medieval Nubian history. Site surveying (including geophysics) and mapping occupied most of the short season in 2012, but some unexpected discoveries were also made.
[Text: Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 24/1]