RC in Cairo News
Sixth Ifao-PCMA post-doc fellow will study ancient healing practices
The PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo and the Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Ifao) have awarded their joint post-doctoral fellowship for the sixth time. This edition’s fellow is Dr. Gabriele Mario Conte. As part of the fellowship, he will organize an international conference “Perceptions of health in the Nile Valley: The social and cultural dimension […]
Exploring Egypt Seminar: “Calligraphers and Patrons in Mamluk Cairo” at PCMA Research Centre in Cairo
The next session of the Exploring Egypt Seminar is scheduled for February 18th at the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo. The seminars are co-organized by Ifao, DAIK, CAI, NVIC and the PCMA UW Research Centre in Cairo. The series explores various aspects of producing historical knowledge on Egypt, focusing on how Egypt’s history has been written, narrated, […]
Research in Egypt
Polish archaeologists have been present in Egypt since the 1930s. It was in Egypt that the Polish school of Mediterranean archaeology was formed and honed, working on various sites from different periods. For decades now several missions under PCMA auspices have been working in Egypt every year. Their projects encompass archaeological excavations, on-site conservation, as well as site management.