
  • Fresh volume of Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean

    The latest volume of the annual of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 21 (Research 2009) contains almost 50 articles, including 39 reports from 18 sites studied by PCMA missions in the 2009 season. The reported archaeological and conservation projects were carried out at sites in Egypt, […]

  • Oasis of the Imagination – exhibition commemorating fifty years of Polish archaeological research at Palmyra

    The exhibition presenting Polish discoveries in Palmyra, Syria, and press conference, will open at the Podchorążówka in the Royal Łazienki Park on 24 June 2010 (Thursday), at 11.00 a.m. The exhibition will be presented all summer also at the Podchorążówka building, in the Royal Łazienki Amphitheater and the roadside fence gallery in Belwederska Street.

  • 8th ICAANE Warsaw 2012

    The PCMA is one of the organizers of the 8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE), along with the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation. The congress will take place in Warsaw, from April, 30 till May, 4 2012. ICAANE meetings take place […]

  • Exhibition: Ancient Marea

    Ten years of archaeological research by a joint mission from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (University of Warsaw) and the Archaeological Museum in Kraków will be represented at a photo exhibition “Ancient Marea – Polish excavations in Egypt 2000-2009”. The exhibition accompanies a conference on “The Fringes of Christianity”, to be held at the […]

  • Fifty Years of Cooperation between Sudan and Poland in the Field of Archaeology

    A conference commemorating 50 years of Polish-Sudanese cooperation in archaeology and preservation of Sudanese cultural heritage will take place on 27-30 April in the Sudanese National Museum in Khartoum. The PCMA has the honor on this occasion to award medals of merit to Sudanese colleagues in recognition of their contribution to the success of this […]

  • 70 years of Polish archaeology and restoration work in Egypt

    21 October – unveiling of a bust of Professor Kazimierz Michałowski placed in the pantheon of great Egyptologists in the Egyptian Museum and the opening of an exhibition devoted to a presentation of the legacy of Polish archaeologists and conservators cooperating to save the Egyptian heritage from oblivion (exhibition at the Egyptian Museum through December […]

  • Conference “Palmyra – queen of the desert. 50 years of polish excavations in Palmyra 1959-2009”

    The international conference “Palmyra ? Queen of the Desert”, organized jointly by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, the Institute of Archaeology and the Kazimierz Michałowski Foundation, all of the University of Warsaw, will take place on 6-8 December 2010. The conference is dedicated to summing up fifty years of archaeological excavations carried out in […]

  • Special awards for Polish archaeologists and institutions working in Sudan

    The PCMA is proud to have been honored with a special award at a ceremony commemorating 50 years of Sudanese-Polish cooperation in the field of archaeology. Other awarded institutions were the Institute of Archeology of the University of Warsaw, the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental Cultures of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Embassy of […]

  • Polacy nad Nilem

    Archaeological research in Egypt and Sudan during season 2007-2008. June 23-24, 2008, Institute of Archaeology Warsaw University, room 209, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, Warsaw Organizers:Institute of Archaeology (Warsaw University)Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology (Warsaw University)

  • Prof. Stanisław Medeksza 1942-2011

    Our colleague and longtime associate at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw, Prof. Stanisław Medeksza passed away on 10 September 2011 after a long illness. Professor Medeksza, long dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Wrocław University of Technology, was a known expert on ancient architecture and co-founder of […]