Author Archives

  • Renovation at PCMA offices

    In July and August our office building in Warsaw is undergoing renovation, so some of our departments can be temporarily inaccessible. Due to the construction work at Nowy Świat 4 our departments will need to vacate their premises at different times. The Documentation Archiving Department (room 107) and the Reading Room (211) are out of […]

  • PCMA welcomes ERC grant team

    The PCMA welcomes new staff members – the team of dr Artur Obłuski’s ERC grant „UMMA – Urban Metamorphosis of the community of a Medieval African capital city”. The team began work this June with a series of workshops focused on developing a documentation system for the new project. The project’s site recording system will […]

  • Diplomas for UNESCO Fellows

    Fellows of the “UNESCO/ Poland Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme in Archaeology and Conservation” received diplomas at the end of their programme. The diplomas were presented by representatives of the four institutions involved in the project: Małgorzata Herbich, from the Polish National Commission for UNESCO, Prof. Krzysztof Chmielewski from the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works […]

  • Workshop: the LCP and the pottery of Nubia/Sudan

    Scholars working on Sudanese pottery will gather in Warsaw for a workshop organized within the frame of the Levantine Ceramics Project (LCP). It is scheduled to take place on 22nd and 23rd of May, 2018 and is co-hosted by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and the Institute of Mediterranean and Oriental […]

  • Conference: Poles on the Nile, season 2017/18

    The annual conference „Poles on the Nile”, will be held at the University of Warsaw on 11–13 June 2018. As usual, it will be co-organized by the Department of the Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia (Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Regist Most of the […]

  • Conference: Poles in the Near East, 2018

    For the third time we would like to invite scholars involved in Polish archaeological and related projects in the Near East to take part in the annual conference “Poles in the Near East”. This year’s edition will take place on 8th and 9th of June. The event is co-organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean […]

  • Call for Papers: Annual Archaeobotany in Egypt Meeting

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Research Centre in Cairo (PCMA-RC) and Institut français d’archéologie orientale (IFAO) are organising the second annual meeting of archaeobotanists working in Egypt, scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 26 and Thursday, 27 September 2018. Archaeobotanists and specialists in related disciplines are invited to present their ongoing research. For the […]

  • Here it is: our new website!

    We are happy to present the new PCMA website. The old one was with us for 15 years – hardly more than a flash from an archaeological perspective, but in Internet terms – more like an archaeological period. During these years our institution itself has also undergone many changes. In our new website we intend […]