Author Archives

  • Lecture: Alwan Nubian and Alphabetic Writing

    The PCMA Research Centre in Cairo invites to an open lecture: Alwan Nubian and Alphabetic Writing in the Medieval Sudan by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei, a specialist in the Old Nubian language who is currently teaching it during a workshop co-organized by the Institut français d’archéologie orientale and the PCMA Research Centre in Cairo. About […]

  • New project in Ethiopia: student internship

    The PCMA is glad to invite students of archaeology from the University of Warsaw or other Polish universities to take part in a new archaeological project in Ethiopia.  The project aims to investigate the Aksumite site of Debre Gergis in the northern province of Tigray. Fieldwork activities are planned for October–November 2019, with a possible […]

  • Changes in PCMA leadership

    As of the beginning of August 2019, dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski resigned from the post of the Director of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw. The deputy director, Iwona Zych has also handed in her resignation. For the rest of this term, that is until August 2020, Dr Artur Obłuski will continue […]

  • PAM: deadline extension and new evaluation

    Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean editors are extending the deadline for paper submissions for the 28th volume of the journal until 31 August. On the latest list of scientific journals published by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, articles in the PAM journal received 70 points. The thematic fascicle of the issue will […]

  • PAM 27/2

      The original arrangement of the Upper Courtyard of the Temple of Hatshepsut in the light of recent archaeological results, pp. 17–32 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.3170 Autor: Sergio Alarcon Robledo (In the Index Copernicus database) Dipinti in the relieving chamber above the Bark Hall of the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari, pp. 33–49 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.3171 Author: […]

  • Scholarships in Egypt 2019/2020: call for applications

    The Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw offers scholarships for young scientists wishing to conduct research projects in Egypt. The scholarships have been awarded since the 1990s, and the funds for them are allocated by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The application is open to students and graduates of Polish universities […]

  • PAM 27/1

    PCMA field missions and projects in 2017 (with map)   Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka. Season 2017, pp. 35–56 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1964 Author: Grzegorz Majcherek (In the Index Copernicus database) Marina el Alamein: newly discovered bath after the 2017 season, pp. 57–66 DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.1965 Author: Krzysztof Jakubiak (In the Index Copernicus database) Research and architectural conservation in Marina […]

  • Book on Dongola published in Open Access

    Book Dongola 2015–2016. Fieldwork, Conservation and Site Management is now available online. It has been published in PCMA Excavation Series, which also features a volume of reports from earlier seasons of work at the site. The royal city of Old Dongola was the political and economic center of Makuria, a medieval Christian kingdom in Nubia. The Polish Centre […]

  • New publication: Glass bead trade in Northeast Africa

    We present the tenth publication in the PCMA Monograph Series: Glass bead trade in Northeast Africa. The evidence from Meroitic and post-Meroitic Nubia. The volume is authored by Dr Joanna Then-Obłuska. Strings of colorful glass beads were a popular commodity traded throughout ancient Nubia in the earlier half of the first millennium AD. Combining macroscopic […]

  • New Roman mosaic floor from Alexandria

    Once again, the Kom el-Dikka site in Alexandria was a scene of an important discovery: a new mosaic was found by a team of Polish archaeologists. The site located in the heart of the ancient city has been excavated archaeologically since 1960 by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw expedition in cooperation […]