Documentation Archiving Department

The Documentation Archiving Department has been operating at the PCMA UW since 1995. It collects and takes care of current and archival documentation of archaeological and archaeological-conservation works conducted by PCMA UW expeditions. The Department ensures appropriate storage of analog and digital documents and enables their use in accordance with applicable regulations.

The collection includes all kinds of documentation produced in the course of the investigation of the archaeological sites, including photographic, drawing, and descriptive materials. The latter include excavation diaries, object and context cards, object inventories, field notes, current studies, and reports submitted to the local antiquity services.

Complete documentation of the conducted research warrants the possibility of further studies on the material, verification of previous results, and enables the creation of final monographic publications. It is often of fundamental importance for the reconstruction of heritage since then destroyed. The digitization of analog documentation, which has been ongoing since the beginning of the Department’s operation, and the implemented pilot program of creating a dedicated database, will facilitate the use of archival resources gathered at the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology of the University of Warsaw.

Only persons authorized by the directors of the research projects have access to the excavation documentation. Regarding the use of the materials for the purpose of disseminating or promoting research results (lectures, conferences, exhibitions, newspaper, online articles, etc.) please contact the PCMA UW Popularization Section.

The PCMArch database was created to gather in one place all documentation from the work carried out by the expeditions of the PCMA UW (link).

Head of the Department:
Dr. Szymon Maślak

Katarzyna Bartoś, MA
Magdalena Ostrowska, MA (Kazimierz Michałowski scholarship holder 2024/2025)


Mgr Marta Momot
ph (+48) 22 55 313 30

Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
15/17 Tyniecka st, room 116
02-630 Warsaw
ph (+48) 22 55 313 11

    1. Before
    2. After