“Chrysomallos”: conference on Polish archaeological research in the Black Sea Region and the Caucasus

Program for the “Chrysomallos: Polish Archaeologists in the Black Sea Region and the Caucasus” conference has been finalized. The conference will be held in a hybrid format on Thursday, April 11th.

Attendees can expect a series of presentations (in Polish) unveiling the latest findings from Polish archaeological excavations in Armenia, Georgia, as well as studies on materials from the Black Sea basin and the Caucasus. Additionally, the conference will feature the promotion of two newly published books: “The Roman Frontier in Georgia” by Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski, and “Chrysomallos: Polish Archaeologists in the Black Sea Region. Światowit Supplement Series C: Pontica et Caucasica”, volume 4, edited by Marcin Matera and Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski.

Conference program (PDF)

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw in room 2.12. Remote participation is also possible via the Google Meet platform. The link to the meeting is provided here: (https://meet.google.com/uky-drct-rbc)

The organizers of the conference are the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology and the Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, in collaboration with the S. Krukowski Research Center in Kutaisi.

For more information, please visit the “Chrysomallos” conference profile on Facebook (link).