PAM 32/1: Marble in the Early Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean available online

The latest volume of the journal “Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean” (PAM) 32/1: “Marble in the Early Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean: Use, Aesthetics, and Social Significance” is now available online. This thematic fascicle explores the use of marble during the early Byzantine period (4th–7th century CE) across a broad geographical area, including the ancient territories of Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Phoenicia, Asia Minor, and Greece.

While research on marble use in Antiquity has grown significantly, previous studies have predominantly focused on the Greek and Roman periods. This volume fills a gap by providing a dedicated examination of early Byzantine marbles. It offers insights into recent discoveries, social functions, and craftsmanship, utilizing various approaches and methodologies.

The volume was edited by Mariusz Gwiazda, Alessandro Poggio, and Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino. It is the result of a panel held in Warsaw in 2022, during the annual conference “Poles in the Near East” organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology and the Faculty of Archaeology at the University of Warsaw. The panel, entitled “Marble Use, Trade, and Distribution in the Eastern Mediterranean during Late Antiquity”, consisted of 16 papers. Ten of them were included in the proceedings and are now available in Open Access.

“Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean” (PAM) is a peer-reviewed journal of over 30 years’ standing. It is published by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and the University of Warsaw Press. All PAM articles are available online (link). PAM is indexed in SCOPUS (link).

M. Gwiazda, A. Poggio, and D. Wielgosz-Rondolino (eds), (2023). Marble in the Early Byzantine Eastern Mediterranean: Use, Aesthetics, and Social Significance (=Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 32/1), Warsaw: WUW.