Tomasz Barański from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw has received a START scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science. START is a one-year scholarship for outstanding young scholars at the beginning of their scientific careers who have a proven record of achievement in their field of research.

Tomasz Barański is an assistant in the Department of African Studies at CAŚ UW. He holds degrees in archaeology and Arabic language studies, and is preparing to defend his doctoral dissertation on “The role of the Muslim literate elite in Old Dongola’s society in the Funj period” at the Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Center. In 2021, he published a monograph entitled “Piraci czy sułtani? Dahlak Kebir jako ośrodek handlowy i polityczny na Morzu Czerwonym VII–XVI wiek”.

In the latest 31st edition of the START program, 100 young researchers out of 660 entries were presented with awards. Fourteen of the laureates are affiliated with the University of Warsaw.

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