Project: Production and consumption of cooking pottery from the Paphos Agora Project on Cyprus

  • Principal Investigator: Dr. Kamila Nocoń


    Project term:

    October 2020 to October 2023


    PLN 635 216


    National Science Centre in Poland, Sonatina 4, 2020/36/C/HS3/00173

    Financing institution logo

  • Production and consumption of cooking pottery from the research of the Paphos Agora Project on Cyprus in the Middle and Late Roman periods (3rd–7th century CE) on the background of political, economic and social changes

    Keywords: cooking pottery, Nea Paphos, Cyprus, Late Roman period, thin section petrography, archaeometry, WD-XRF, regional approach, chaîne opératoire

    The research on pottery is one of the keys to detailing regional connectivity and the degree of technological diversity of ancient societies. What’s more, it directs the reconstruction of many processes of cultural nature, including local developments, and relations between regions in broader economic systems.

    The project aims to present new evidence on the examination and characterization of Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery (3rd–7th century CE), recovered during archaeological excavations from the Agora and trial trenches in Nea Paphos. The research mainly focuses on:
    (1) investigation of local production of cooking pottery and its manufacture developments, which will enable to shed light on the changes that occurred in the micro economy in the region of Nea Paphos,
    (2) systematizing information on groups of cooking pottery from supra-regional and long-distance production centers and extend the role of cooking pottery in the economical patterns of distribution.

    Integrated research methods will be used, including comprehensive archaeological examination and archaeometric approaches (thin section petrography and chemical analyses – WD XRF). These will help to understand the provenance, technological details, and patterns of supply of studied pottery. Placing the groups in a historical context will give a picture of the consumption of cooking pottery in Nea Paphos and will supplement current knowledge of the nature of the relationship between Nea Paphos, the neighborhood, and distant locations.

    Associated events:
    Lectures and conference presentations:

    August 30–September 2, 2023: 29th European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) Annual Meeting Belfast, Northern Ireland. Nocoń K., Following Tastes? Imports of Middle and Late Roman Cooking Pottery from Nea Paphos (Cyprus) in Economic Networks (Paper).

    June 13–16, 2023: 16th edition of the European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics, Piza, Italy. Nocoń K., Marzec E. & Kiriatzi E., Revealing the know-how – integrated studies on cooking pottery manufacturing traditions from the 3rd -7th centuries CE. A case study from Nea Paphos, Cyprus (Poster).

    February 2, 2023: PCMA Seminar – Nocoń K. – Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery from Nea Paphos. New data on old pottery

    November 8–11, 2022: Nea Paphos Collouqium III, Another Acropolis of Paphos: Fabrika Hill and Beyond Archaeological and Historical Studies, Athens – Nocoń K. – The Middle and Late Roman Cooking Pottery from the Excavation of the Paphos Agora Project

    • Nocoń, Kamila (2023): The Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery from the excavation of the Paphos Agora Project. (Presentation)

    October 19–23, 2022: Annual Meeting of the American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) 2022, Boston – Nocoń K. – New Insights of the Middle and Late Roman Cooking Pottery from Nea Paphos by Investigating its Provenance and Technology in a Socio-economic Context

    September 25–30, 2022: 32nd congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Athens – Nocoń K. – The Chaîne Opératoire of Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery traditions of Nea Paphos, Cyprus (LINK)

    • Nocoń, Kamila (2023): The Chaîne Opératoire of Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery traditions of Nea Paphos, Cyprus. (Poster)

    February, 10, 2022: PCMA Seminar – Nocoń K. Środkowo- i późnorzymska ceramika kuchenna z Agory w Nea Pafos. Wstępne ustalenia (LINK)

    June, 9–11, 2021: Polacy na Bliskim Wschodzie, Centrum Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej UW & Wydział Archeologii UW – Nocoń K. – Multiperspective approach on the research of the Middle and Late Roman cooking pottery from the Agora in Nea Paphos. Questions, methods, and theories (LINK) (Academia LINK)

    Project bibliography:

    in preparation Nocoń K., Marzec E., Another strand in the web. The connection between Nea Paphos and Morphou Plain (Cyprus) based on an integrated investigation of Middle and Late Roman Cooking Pottery.

    in press Nocoń K., Michalik M., Jellonek S., Cooking pottery assemblage found in a Late Roman Lime Kiln in Nea Paphos. HEROM Journal of Hellenistic and Roman Material Culture.

    Nocoń K. (2021). Understanding changes in the supply pattern of Roman cooking pottery from Morfou Bay to Nea Paphos: evidence from the Paphos Agora Project. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean 30/2, 231-249 (DOI: 10.31338/uw.2083-537X.pam30.2.21)
