Conference: ‘Marea’ in Context

On behalf of the Marea Archaeological Project we invite you to the third conference on the results of archaeological research in this antique city.

The archaeological site known as “Marea” is located on the Hawwariya Peninsula on the southern shore of Lake Mareotis, 45 km west of Alexandria. Polish archaeologists have been working there since 2000. Since 2018 a project entitled “Is <Marea> indeed Marea? Roman industrial centre and Byzantine city in the region of Mareotis (west of Alexandria)” headed by Prof. Tomasz Derda, the expedition director, is ongoing.

During the conference, the introduction to which will be presented by Prof. Tomasz Derda (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw), Assoc. Prof. Bartosz Kontny, dean of FA UW, and Assist. Prof. Artur Obłuski, director of PCMA UW, expedition members will present the results of the latest research and discuss future research perspectives.

See the conference program.

The conference will be held at the Faculty of Archaeology UW (on the Main Campus) on 1st April 2022 from 9:00 till 6:30 pm. It will also be transmitted online. To receive a link, please write to Dr. Mariusz Gwiazda:

Read more on the research in Marea.

Follow the event on FB.

Recordings from the conference are available on YouTube: