CRAC grants for PCMA scholars

The Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations of the University of Warsaw (CRAC) awarded the so-called Small Grants for eight projects. Two of them were submitted by researchers associated with the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology UW.

One of them is Prof. Michał Gawlikowski. He was granted funding for the preparation of photos and graphics for his publication:  The Hawarte Mithraeum and its Paintings (PLN 13,650). The second grant will go to Dr. Marcin Kotyl, who submitted the project:  Archival query. A new tax code from the Heidelberg collection (PLN 6,283).

The CRAC Small Grants are aimed at supporting scientific activities and disseminating the results of research on antiquity at the University of Warsaw. The support is focused on activities that will measurably contribute to a better quality of antiquity research and publications and to strengthening foreign contacts and the international position of the University of Warsaw within this field. Calls for applications are announced four times a year.

More information can be found on the CRAC website.

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