Bahra 1
Codes used during earlier surveys: SBH 35, SBH 38
Project name:
Kuwaiti–Polish Archaeological Mission (KPAM)
Project logo:
Type of site:
Al-Subiyah region in northern Kuwait, Bahra subregionDating:
Ubaid 2 and 3a (2/3) periods, ca. 5500–4900 BC
Most interesting finds:
– The largest Ubaid-culture settlement on the Arabian Gulf coast
– Workshop manufacturing tubular beads from the shells of Conomurex persicus
– Rich assemblage of local pottery (so-called Coarse Red Ware) and imported pottery from Mesopotamia
– The oldest fragment of copper found on the Arabian Peninsula, presumably a pin(?)
History of research:
Investigated by the PCMA mission in:
Type of research:
Excavations, conducted with the participation of specialists: archaeozoologist, paleomalacologist, geologist and conservator
Piotr Bieliński, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw and Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (2009– )
Sultan al-Duweish, National Council of Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait (2009–2013)
Hamid al-Mutairi, National Council of Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait (2014– )
Co-operating institutions:
– Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, University of Warsaw
– National Council of Culture, Arts and Letters of the State of Kuwait
Description of the site and research:
Bahra 1 /1/ is a large settlement from the second half of the 6th millennium BC. During that time, the Ubaid culture was actively developing in southern Mesopotamia, not only expanding to the neighboring regions but reaching as far as Anatolia and the Levant on one side and Iran and the Arabian Gulf coast on the other. Characteristic pottery vessels, often with rich painted decoration, as well as small objects typical of this culture appear on sites along the Gulf coast up to the United Arab Emirates. In Kuwait, they have been first found on the H3 site, a small coastal village located a few kilometers from Bahra 1.
The Bahra 1 settlement differs from the other Gulf sites in several respects. Firstly, in size, because it measures at least 180 m x 50 m and includes at least 10 multi-roomed buildings located along the base of a small rocky hill. It was undoubtedly a permanent settlement which functioned for a relatively long time, as suggested by the presence of several building phases. Based on the objects found on the site, Bahra 1 seems to have been rooted in the local culture but at the same time to have had strong relations with southern Mesopotamia. Contacts with Ubaid centers in Mesopotamia are evidenced by a large number of imported pottery, both richly-decorated luxury vessels /6, 7, 8/ and undecorated storage vessels. Small objects of fired clay /11/ – possibly personal adornments /12/ – are also typical of the Ubaid culture. However, also found were objects characteristic of the so-called Arabian Neolithic: pottery (so-called Coarse Red Ware /9, 10/) as well as flint /13/ and quartz tools of local provenance.
The reason for the establishment of the settlement is its most interesting aspect. So far, the research suggests that from the very beginning of its existence, Bahra 1 was a large and well-organized workshop which manufactured tubular beads from the shells of Conomurex persicus, a species of marine mollusks. Rooms where the production took place have been found in most of the investigated buildings in the western sector of the settlement (SBH 38) /3/. Based on the finds of production wasters and tools which accompanied them /15/, it was possible to reconstruct the whole process of bead manufacturing /14/. Remarkably, no finished, undamaged beads have been found yet – they must all have been “exported outside the settlement. Where? – we still do not know, because beads of this type do not appear on other sites.
Architectural remains of the Bahra 1 settlement consist mostly of stone wall foundations /2, 4, 5/ (their upper parts must have been made of perishable materials). The rooms and buildings were predominantly rectangular except for the architectural complex located on the slope of a hill at the eastern end of the site (sector SBH 35). A large oval courtyard, rooms with an almost circular layout and a different set of finds indicate that this place served some other function than the rest of the buildings.
Who were the inhabitants of Bahra 1? Newcomers from Mesopotamia or rather autochthons who assimilated in part the material culture of their northern neighbors and business partners? Currently, there is no definite answer to this question. However, it was certainly a well-organized community which made a place for itself in the contemporary trade networks.
Results of the research:
Season by season – PCMA Newsletter:
Brochure (2016): Bahra 1
Associated events:
2024-12 Kuwaiti-Polish team discovers figurine, local pottery production, and environmental clues
2022-11 Kuwaiti-Polish archaeologists back at Bahra 1 in the Al-Subiyah desert
2018-11 A temple from the 6th millennium BC? New discoveries in Kuwait
2016-12 10th anniversary of Kuwaiti–Polish Archaeological Mission: exhibition in the National Museum in Kuwait
Kozłowski, S. K., & Białowarczuk, M. (2023). Lithic and stone industries of Bahra 1, an Ubaid-related site in northern Kuwait. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 1– 43.
Bieliński, P. (2019). Chalcolithic settlement of Bahra 1 and its possible functions. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 2019; 00: 1–6.
Pieńkowska, A. (2019). The earliest settlement remains at the Ubaid‐related site of Bahra 1 (Kuwait). Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 2019; 00: 1–8.
Smogorzewska, A. (2019). Ceramic form and function in the Neolithic Gulf. A view from Bahra 1. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 2019; 00: 1–8.
Bieliński, P. (2018). Bahrah 1: eight years of excavations of an Ubaid culture-related settlement in the al-Sabiyyah desert (Kuwait). Proceedings of the Seminar of Arabian Studies, 48, 22–30.
Bieliński, P. (2017). The architecture of Bahra 1, an Ubaid culture-related settlement in Kuwait. Ash-sharq Bulletin of the Ancient Near East Archaeological, Historical and Societal Studies, 1(1), 104–112.
Bieliński, P., Białowarczuk, M., Reiche, A., Smogorzewska, A., Szymczak, A. (2016). Bahra 1. Excavations in 2014 and 2015. Preliminary report on the sixth and seventh seasons of Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological investigations. Kuwait–Warsaw: NCCAL–PCMA.
Smogorzewska, A. (2016). Local and imported pottery in the Neolithic Gulf: a new perspective from the site of Bahra 1 in Kuwait. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 25, 595–617.
Białowarczuk, M. (2015). Experimental reconstruction of Late Neolithic local quartz exploitation patterns in the Arabian Gulf. New discoveries from Bahra 1, Kuwait, an Ubaid-related site. Paleorient, 41(2), 71–84.
Bieliński, P., Białowarczuk, M., Kiersnowski, H., Piątkowska-Małecka, J., Reiche, A., Smogorzewska, A., Szymczak, A. (2015). Bahra 1. Excavations in 2013. Preliminary report on the fifth season of Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological explorations. Warsaw–Kuwait: NCCAL–PCMA.
Smogorzewska, A. (2015). Hajji Muhammad Ware in the Gulf. New data from the Ubaid-related site Bahra 1 (Kuwait). Études et Travaux (Centre d’Archéologie Méditerranéenne de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences), 27, 141–158.
Reiche, A. (2014). Polsko-kuwejckie badania archeologiczne w północnym Kuwejcie w latach 2007–2012. Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie. Nowa Seria / Journal of the National Museum in Warsaw. New Series, 3(39), 102–110.
Białowarczuk, M. (2013). Ground and pecked stone industry of Bahra 1, an Ubaid-related settlement in Northern Kuwait. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 569–585.
Smogorzewska, A. (2013). Pottery from Bahra 1 (Kuwait). New evidence for the presence of Ubaid culture in the Gulf. Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, 22, 555–568.
Szymczak, A., Bieliński, P. (eds) (2013). As-Sabbiya, Autumn 2012. Report on the eighth season of joint Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological investigations in Kuwait: Bahra 1, Ubaid culture related settlement (4th season). Warsaw.
Rutkowski, Ł. (ed.) (2011). As-Sabbiya 2007–2010. Kuwaiti–Polish archaeological investigations in Northern Kuwait. Kuwait: NCCAL–PCMA.
1. In some parts of the site, the remains of houses are concealed by thick layers of dune sand; W niektórych częściach stanowiska pozostałości domów pokryte są grubą warstwą wydmy (fot. Aleksandra Oleksiak)
2. The main room of House 1 where the workshop manufacturing shell beads was located; Główne pomieszczenie w Domu 1, gdzie znajdował się warsztat produkcji paciorków z muszli (foto Andrzej Reiche)
3. The site of Bahra 1 lies in the desert; the architectural remains are preserved to a height of several dozen centimeters; Stanowisko Bahra 1 znajduje się na pustyni; pozostałości zabudowy zachowane są na kilkadziesiąt centymetrów (fot. Andrzej Reiche)
4. The lower parts of walls of House 1 consist mostly of flat stones laid horizontally; some fragments, however, were built using vertical slabs embedded in the ground; Większość dolnych partii murów Domu 1 wzniesiono z poziomo ułożonych, płaskich kamieni, jednak niektóre zbudowane są z pionowych płyt wkopanych w podłoże (fot. Marta Momot)
5. Among the pottery finds, there are numerous painted vessels typical of the Ubaid culture imported from Mesopotamia, such as this turtle vase; Wśród ceramiki wiele jest malowanych naczyń typowych dla kultury Ubaid importowanych z Mezopotamii, takich jak ta waza żółwiowata (fot. Andrzej Reiche)
6. Among the pottery finds, there are numerous painted vessels typical of the Ubaid culture imported from Mesopotamia, such as this turtle vase; Wśród ceramiki wiele jest malowanych naczyń typowych dla kultury Ubaid importowanych z Mezopotamii, takich jak ta waza żółwiowata (rys. Anna Smogorzewska, Marta Momot)
7. Painted decoration on Ubaid pottery usually consists of geometrical forms, e.g., triangles; Dekoracja malowana na ceramice ubaidzkiej to zwykle formy geometryczne, takie jak trójkąty (fot. Adam Oleksiak)
8. Local red pottery, so-called Arabian Coarse Red Ware; Czerwona, lokalna ceramika, tzw. Arabian Coarse Ware (fot. Adam Oleksiak)
9. Mat impressions have been preserved on the bottoms of Arabian Coarse Ware pottery; Na denkach ceramiki typu Arabian Coarse Ware zachowały się odciski plecionki (fot. Adam Oleksiak)
10. Small finds from the site include objects typical of the Ubaid culture, such as this pottery “ice-cream cone/golf tee”; Wśród drobnych znalezisk ze stanowiska znajdują się przedmioty typowe dla kultury Ubaid, takie jak ten ceramiczny „kieliszek” (fot. Andrzej Reiche)
11. Pottery “nails” of this type are typical of the Ubaid culture; they are presumed to be body adornments, but their purpose is not quite certain; Tego typu ceramiczne stożki są typowe dla kultury Ubaid; uważane są za ozdoby ciała, jednak ich przeznaczenie nie jest całkiem pewne (fot. Adam Oleksiak)
12. A few flint arrowheads have been found on the site; Na stanowisku znaleziono kilka krzemiennych grotów strzał (fot. Adam Oleksiak)
13. Thanks to the finds from the site, it was possible to trace the whole production process of tubular shell beads; Dzięki znaleziskom ze stanowiska udało się prześledzić cały proces produkcji rurkowatych paciorków z muszli (fot. Andrzej Reiche)
14. Points of flint borers, found in abundance, were used to drill holes in shell beads; Znajdowane w ogromnych ilościach żądła wiertników z krzemienia były wykorzystywane do wiercenia otworów w paciorkach z muszli (fot. Andrzej Reiche)
15. KPAM mission members against a large photo of the Bahra 1 site displayed in the National Museum in Kuwait // Członkowie misji w 2012 r. na tle zdjęcia wykopu w Domu 1 eksponowanego w Muzeum Narodowym w Kuwejcie (Fot. Adam Oleksiak)
16. Polish Ambassador visiting the Bahra 1 site // Ambasador RP zwiedza stanowisko Bahra 1 (fot. A. Szymczak)
17. Aerial view of the main part of the Bahra 1 settlement // Zdjęcie lotnicze centralnej części stanowiska Bahra 1 (fot. A. Oleksiak)