Archaeological student training in Mustis (Tunisia)

Polish-Tunisian Archaeological Mission to Mustis invites students of the Institute of Archaeology of the University of Warsaw to apply for fieldwork training in the 2019 season (26th August–6th October). The mission is co-organized by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology and the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw

Candidates are kindly asked to send completed application forms to the email address given below, not later than until 14th April, 2019. Application forms can be found on the Institute’s website (see below). Information meeting is scheduled for 16th April, 2019. Coordinator of the training programme, prof. Tomasz Waliszewski, receives applications, as well as provides necessary informations.

Coordinator: prof. Tomasz Waliszewski

Download the application form

Complete the application form and send it to:

Deadline for application: 14th April, 2019.

Information meeting: 16th April, 2019.

All applicants will be notified by 30th April, 2019.