We would like to announce a call for papers for the current volume 27 of the journal Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean, with a publishing date 2018.

We invite three categories of papers:
• research articles drawing upon the finds from Polish excavations and related to these, from the area of a broadly understood
Mediterranean and Near East (including the Arabian Peninsula and the Caucasus), as well as northeastern Africa,
• reports, final and preliminary, on current excavation and research conducted within the frame of Polish projects in the area of interest,
• research articles not related to Polish excavations, but within the cultural, chronological and
territorial scope of the journal.

Please note that we will be accepting manuscripts through June 15, 2018, after which there will be no extensions of the deadline due to the unfortunate tardiness of the start.

The acceptance and reviewing procedures remain unchanged.
Please note a new requirement: In addition to the actual illustrations, authors are asked to submit a pdf file of the illustrations in sequence, numbered and captioned (but without credits).
Guidelines for authors.

Please also note that starting with volume 27 we shall provide authors solely with a pdf file of their article and, upon request, a pdf of the whole volume (in full color). No complimentary hard copies will be available.

Be reminded that all submitted articles must be original, and the bylined author(s) must have the copyright to the submitted text, illustrations and documentation.

Call for papers (PDF)