PCMA Seminar: Pots and temples

During the next meeting of “Pot Talks” series we will host Jiří Honzl (Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures) with a presentation: “Pots and temples: Meroitic ceramics as cultic equipment and other pottery appearing in non-funerary ritual contexts at Wad Ben Naga”.

Abstract: Recent excavations of the so-called Isis Temple (WBN 300) at Wad Ben Naga yielded amongst other finds distinctive sets of ceramic vessels which with all probability represented the actual cultic equipment of the building. Various individual pieces and forms of pottery could be (tentatively) identified as such. Apart from the particular and general contexts of their recovery, this is strongly suggested also by some peculiar features, given to them in course of as well as after their manufacture.

In fact, the treatment and handling of ritual ceramics at Meroitic Wad Ben Naga corresponds well with more universal patterns of (ancient) ritual behaviour. After introducing the pottery assemblage of the Isis Temple and its ongoing research, the attention is given to highlighting some of the more general aspects of the appearance and use of pottery in non-funerary ritual contexts at Wad Ben Naga. This serves to further illustrate the potential and complexity of this phenomenon. First, a distinct pottery form likely serving for censing is examined. While apparently relatively rare at Meroitic sites in general, these lotiform censers represented virtually the most common form of specialised ceramic cultic equipment recovered from Wad Ben Naga. Next, various kinds of deposits of pottery with (presumed) ritual subtext are discussed. Special attention is given also to the appearance of Egyptian and mediterranean amphorae and other imported containers in various sanctuaries at the site. The first steps of this research have already begun to shed more light on the actual ritual practices taking place within the architectural, iconographic and textual setting of the sanctuaries and the whole cultic landscape of Wad Ben Naga.

The seminar will be held on Thursday, 27th February 2025, at 2 pm (Warsaw time) – on the Zoom platform. To receive the link, please write to seminarium.pcma@uw.edu.pl

The “Pot Talks – A multidisciplinary approach to ceramics from the African area and beyond” is a thematic series within the PCMA Seminar. It is organised by Dr. Katarzyna de Lellis-Danys (PCMA UW, and the National Museum in Warsaw). Lectures in this series  include topics related to multidisciplinary ceramic research, which will enable participants to exchange experiences with researchers working in different parts of Africa and beyond.