Piotr Zakrzewski defends his PhD

We are pleased to announce that the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of Piotr Zakrzewski of the PCMA UW, took place on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. The dissertation topic is “Munitiones castrorum. Fortifications of the Roman legionary camp in Novae of the principate period (1st-3rd century AD).

The dissertation presents all documented elements of the defensive system of the legionary fortress in Novae erected in the first three centuries AD. They are compared with other Roman defensive systems known from the Lower Danube region and other areas of the Roman Empire. The dissertation was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Krzysztof Jakubiak, with Dr. Martin Lemke as assistant supervisor.

The in viva ended with the unanimous decision of the Committee to award Piotr Zakrzewski the PhD degree.


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